The Next Step...

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(In Royal Woods Michigan, that same night...)

In the dead of night, in an abandoned graveyard, sat the two goths Haiku and Lucy Loud as they had finished yet another unsuccessful ritual to find her brother Lincoln.

Haiku: "We've tried just about everything we could Lucy. The dark arts...they can't find your brother anywhere..."

Lucy: "He has to be here somewhere...."

Haiku: "Well, you know that I am more than willing to help you, but I have get going before my parents find out. I'll see you later."

Lucy: "Sure. I'll stay here for a little bit longer...."

With that, Haiku leaves for her home for the night, as Lucy remains, convinced that there was some way to find her missing brother. She looks through the book of 'Dark Arts' but fails to notice slight movement from right next to her, seemingly done by Bun Bun, as it scurries off to a place deeper part of the graveyard.

Lucy: What could I be doing wrong? It's not like he can get far on his own......right?

As she scratches her head to figure this out, a figure in a hood passes by before creeping their way behind Lucy. Placing a hand on her shoulder, the figure startles Lucy into turning around to face them. They take off the hood to reveal a boy with puffy orange hair, freckles across his cheeks and wearing a dark blue and green shirt.

Lucy: "Rocky? What're you doing here so late?"

Rocky: "I could ask you the same thing. I was just passing by and I notice you were by yourself. Also..."

Rocky holds his hand, showing Bun Bun somehow getting into his possession. Lucy quickly takes the stuffed bunny out of his hand and into her grasp.

Rocky: "I found this little guy all alone on the sidewalk. Belongs to your brother right?"

Lucy: "...Yes. It does..."

Rocky: "Then.....?"

Lucy: "...sigh I'm trying to find Lincoln, but I can't find him anywhere in Royal Woods..."

Rocky: "Ever think he might NOT be in Michigan at this point?"

Lucy looks back at him as if he said the most insane thing in existence while growing a second head. Said boy just shrugs lightheartedly.

Rocky: "Just a thought to give it a try..."

At first, Lucy was about to dismiss the very thought, until she start to think of why she can't find Lincoln, why it seems almost impossible to find him anywhere in the city. Begrudgingly, she uses the dark spell book in a much wider range, scouring the world for even a sign, until she sees something; A boy with black hair and gothic clothes, and a noticeable buck toothed grin as he traverses a small path. Even though he has a different look to him, Lucy knew right away it was who she was looking for: Lincoln Loud.

Lucy: "I can't believe it...I see him...I found Lincoln!"

Rocky: "See? That was easier than you expected. So where is he anyway?"

Lucy: "I can't tell where exactly, but I can see a massive city with, what I think is, a high tech Eiffel Tower in the center...."

"High tech Eiffel Tower"...? This triggers something in Rocky's mind, as if a long forgotten memory clawed its way back out. A look of realization forms on the boy's face before looking the young goth.

Rocky: "I think I know where he might be...I mean it's a real long shot, but I think I might know...."

Lucy: "Where? If you know something Rocky, please tell me!"

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