The Sleeping Snorlax

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(In the skies above Kalos....)

Lucy: "How much longer until we land!?"

Rocky: "Just a few more seconds!"

Flying at high speeds in the sky, Lucy and Lily hold on to each other for what felt like hours while Rocky navigates with a pair of goggles over his eyes.

Lucy: "That's what you said earlier yet we're still flying—!"

Rocky: "Brace yourselves!"

No later than he said this, Lucy feels a sudden shockwave as the roaring winds suddenly come to a stop. Lucy opens her eyes to see where they landed, right in front of the Eiffel Tower lookalike she saw in her vision. After calming down Lily, Lucy looks around to see numerous people and Pokémon staring at them.

Lucy: "What is this place?"

Rocky: "Welcome to Lumiose City, the biggest city in the Kalos Region."

Lucy: "Lumiose...? Kalos...? Rocky, what the heck are you talking about!?"

Rocky: "Listen as much as I hate to leave you like this, I can't stay for long. I need to get going."

Under her silver bangs, Lucy looks at Rocky, shocked to see the young redhead get up on what seemed to be their ride; a massive yellow bird-like creature with a long beak as it's whole body resembled lightning.

Under her silver bangs, Lucy looks at Rocky, shocked to see the young redhead get up on what seemed to be their ride; a massive yellow bird-like creature with a long beak as it's whole body resembled lightning

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Lucy: "Wait Rocky! You're just gonna leave us here?! Where're we supposed to go?!"

Rocky: "Sorry Luce, but if my folks found out about this, who knows how much they'd ground me!"

Before Lucy could retort, the bird creature flaps its massive wings, blowing a gust of air as it takes off from the ground. Before they get going, Rocky tosses a small bag for her to catch.

Rocky: "Still got a phone, yeah? My number's in that bag along with a few things to help you! Call me whenever you can!"

With that, Rocky and the massive bird fly off into the distance, leaving Lucy and Lily to themselves, the latter waving them goodbye. The sound of a police siren can be heard nearby, prompting the young Loud to find someplace to hide and avoid drawing any more attention. Hiding in an alleyway, Lucy looks back to see police officers in light blue uniforms start to surround the area. She leans back on the wall of a building, holding her baby sister close.

Lucy: "I guess we'll be on the run for a little bit, huh Lily?"

The Loud toddler simply giggles at her sister as said goth gets up and they walk off into a deeper part of the city.

(Meanwhile on Versant Road)

We join back with Chrome as he stands just outside of the gate leading to the next town. With his Pokémon at his side, he crosses the gate and steps into their new destination: Camphrier Town. A large water fountain in the center of town, both a museum building and a Pokémon Center nearby, as a massive mansion can be seen in the distance. Chrome walks into the Pokémon Center and heals his current team before sitting by the fountain with his Pokédex set to 'Map Mode'. Next to him was, not only his Charmander Drago, but also Ledyba his new Pokémon Scraggy.

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