Princess of the Castle

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(Someone's a spoiled brat here, and it ain't Lola)(been having a REAL problem writing this one-__-)

Right where we left off, our two heroes cross Route 6, a long path rowed with trees and bushes. This path lead to the front gates of a massive castle-like mansion, one that could be seen from miles. The former Loud could only gaze in awe at what he sees.

Chrome: "Wow. I knew they said she's a princess, but I didn't think her mansion would be this big. It's almost queen level!"

Lee: "Eh, I've seen bigger. Come on, let's go."

The two stop at the golden front gate, as a small speaker in the center turns on for a man's voice to come out.

Butler: "May I be of service, gentlemen?"

Chrome: "U-um, Hi! We're here to ask the princess something. It's really important."

Butler: "My sincerest apologies, but I cannot let you enter the palace. Not without paying the entrance fee, or course."

Chrome: "There's a fee just to get in a mansion? Aren't they rich already?"

Lee: "I guess some people can't get enough..."

After paying the required fee, a thousand each, the two trainers walk pass the front gate and in front of the mansion itself. Before they tried to knock, the doors swing open as a line of maids and butlers greet them. One butler in the center of it, seemingly the one from the intercom, comes up to them.

Sebastian: "Good afternoon gentlemen. I am the lead butler of the estate, Sebastian, and I will be your guide today. Please follow me."

The head butler leads the two trainers around the mansion, showing the various paintings on the walls and rare items and stones in display cases. In some rooms, other staff members are seen grooming and training numerous dog-like Pokémon with white fur. The two trainers can even see a pair of large statues that seemed like dragons outside the windows they pass by.

Chrome: "I know we're in a Royal mansion and all, but this place is huge!"

Sebastian: "You have my gratitude young man. Our staff worked with the best material to ensure the best palace for the royal family."

Lee: "Almost gaudy-looking though....Where is this Princess Allie anyway? Sorry to cut this tour short, but were in a bit of a hurry."

Sebastian: "Her Highness is currently enjoying her tea in the garden. If you so choose to, I can lead you both there, however I do not recommend it...."

Chrome: "Sorry but, we'll take our chances with the first one, please."

Sebastian: "As you wish."

With that, Sebastian leads the two to the back of the estate, where a massive almost maze-like garden can be seen. Down further into the courtyard, they see a few people and Pokémon sitting by a fancy small table. As they walk closer, they see that one of them was a girl with reddish orange hair and a magenta short dress with knee high boots, petting another large dog Pokémon. Meanwhile the other two seemed to be twin girls with long blonde hair and blue eyes. The twins were laughing over something until the head butler himself interrupts their conversation.

Sebastian: "My sincerest apologies Princess Allie, but we have guests who wish to speak with you..."

Allie: "Ugh, is it one of the townspeople again? I swear if they ask me one more time...."

Chrome: "Um hello your highness. My name's Chrome and I'm a Pokémon Trainer. I wanted to ask if we could borrow the flute from you."

The princess takes a large purple fan and holds it over her mouth to give more of a smug look.

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