Mansion Raiders

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(Disclaimer: You get the point by now😑)

As the night sky enveloped Camphrier Town, all inhabitants in the town fast asleep. All except for one; young Chrome Catastrophe was wide awake in his hotel room. He had received a message from one of the Parfum Palace's staff members, Amber, and intends to act on it. As he readies a backpack to bring, the former Loud looks back to his hotel bed as his starter sits atop of it.

Chrome: "I'm not sure how this'll go, but I know you'll have my back. Right partner?"

The fiery Charmander gives him a nod with a confident smile before returning into his PokéBall. Chrome grabs his things and walks out of the hotel room and out into the town, seeing the Parfum Palace in the distance. Begrudgingly, he makes his way to front gates of the palace, making sure nobody was following behind, let alone see him this late at night. He looks around for any security guards patrolling before diving into one of the nearby bushes to hide.

Carefully, he makes his way around the mansion to a part of the gate where he can see a small opening to crawl through into the main garden. While making sure to stay out of sight, he looks around to find his accomplice but to no avail. Keeping his voice down as much as possible, Chrome opts to call out to her.

Chrome: "Amber? Amber! Where are you--!?"

Suddenly, the former Loud is dragged into the palace's garden maze by a person in a dark cloak. Once the cloaked figure let go, Chrome looks at them, ready to send out his Pokémon. In a split second however, the cloaked figure removes their hood, revealing to be Amber with a rather annoyed face.

Amber: "Could you stand out any MORE like a sore thumb? It's almost like you're asking to get caught."

Chrome: "Well sorry, I've never broken in a place this massive. Plus, you're the one that gave me the letter, just saying: 'Come alone. Meet you there...'"

Amber: "Fair enough... but if we're gonna get that flute for you, we need disguises. Here, change into these."

Amber hands him some black clothes, light armor pieces, and an ominous mask resembling an animal. Chrome was about to ask about the attire, but she had her back to him as she was already changing into her disguise. Chrome quickly turns away, and with reddish cheeks, puts on his attire. The two walk out of the maze, sporting their ninja-like outfits, with Amber sporting a more cat-like mask on her face.

Amber: "Alright, just keep as quiet as possible and follow my lead

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Amber: "Alright, just keep as quiet as possible and follow my lead. I've scoped out this place enough to know where all the valuables are."

Chrome: "Sounds to me you were planning this out before you even met me."

Amber: "More or less. Now come on, the sooner we find that flute, the faster we can get out of here."

With a nod, the two quickly sneak in, avoiding any outside cameras. Security on the inside was surprisingly relaxed, with only a few butlers and maids patrolling the halls. Chrome opts to hide in the shadows on the ground, while Amber hides from above, jumping from one lamppost/statue to the next if possible. The two manage to find a set of double doors being guarded by a much larger butler. Figuring this was the room needed to find, Chrome quickly hides next to a nearby statue before calling his Budew.

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