Ep1 pt1. Electrifying

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Julie's embrace was warm compared to the guys who could no longer give of heat and yet, She had felt the warmest she had ever been since the passing of her mother, The world around her seemed to slowly fade as she clung on tight, never wanting the moment to end.

Tears collected on her eyelashes and her face was stained from all of the crying, though, she didn't care much because all that mattered was that she didn't have to say goodbye to her friends.

"What happens next?" Reggie asked in a soft voice, pulling away from his band mates to wipe away his tears with the bottom of his sleeve

"I don't know, but whatever happens" Julie said equally as gentle, taking both Alex and Reggie's hand in hers while looking at Luke in adoration "we do it together"

2 days later...

The sun peered through the cracks in the blinds and directly into Julie's eyes, she rubbed at them and yawned, sitting promptly against her bed frame. When She switched her phone on to realise she had over slept, she jumped out of bed in panic and rushed all the way down stairs.

"Morning, Mija" her father greeted once he saw his daughter drag herself down the stairs and into the kitchen for some breakfast

"I over slept" Julie groaned in a rushed manner taking a piece of toast off her brother's plate then scurrying back upstairs with it dangling from her mouth.

After getting dressed and brushing her teeth she made her way back downstairs, her backpack flung over her shoulder with ten minutes to spare, She drew out her phone to call her best friend, Flynn who immediately picked up

"I overslept but I'm gonna make it perfectly on time" Julie reassures Flynn and herself

"Let me guess" Flynn sighed "you and luke were up all night writing songs together"

"Well yes- but it's more than that. I can touch the guys now, Flynn, this changes everything" she smiled to herself as Flynn sighed for a second time

"I know your exited but be careful, ok? I don't want you to hurt like that again" Flynn answered after a long pause, Julie knew she was just trying to protect her, after her mom died Flynn was extra protective which Julie appreciated a lot but she wished she would dial it down a notch.

"I will but I should really get going, see you in a few" She Hung up before any sign of protest came from Flynn's mouth

Julie made her way over to her front door, getting ready to go to school and when she opened it she was surprised to see nick on her doorstep, his back turned against her and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

When he heard the sound of the door opening, he shot around, flashing her a smile; she felt a strange and uneasy sensation shoot through her body but despite her efforts to ignore it, she couldn't shake the feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her something was wrong.

"Hi! Nick!" Julie exclaimed with a large amount of enthusiasm which she now released that she may have been over the top and rather suspicious

He slowly walked over and handed the bouquet over to Julie who relaxed a bit at the sudden touch and decided she was just being superstitious "thanks"

"Do you want to walk to school together?" Asked nick as he placed his hands in his front pocket, Julie nodded and told him she'd be right back after she put the flowers in a vase.

Julie and the phantoms: season 2Where stories live. Discover now