Ep9. Silence.

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Luke sat on the hospital rooftop looking out into the distance, hoping he would come up with an answer soon.

How could anybody choose between their best friends- no- their brothers and the girl who made him feel like nobody else could?

If it was just him selling his soul to Caleb, it'll already be done in a heartbeat but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

He re-thought the options over and over in his head until he came to a painful conclusion of what he had to do

He poofed into Julie's room to get one last look at her before he said goodbye forever..

Even with bruises, the cuts and the tubes and wires that kept her breathing, Luke thought she was the most perfect thing he'd ever seen.

He sat beside her, taking her hands into his significantly larger ones and kissing them gently before crouching over her lifeless frame and kissing her forehead before getting up to leave

"Goodbye Julie" he muttered, poofing out of the building and into the Hollywood ghost club.

He wandered deeper into it before yelling "alright caleb! I'm here so help Julie!"

It was practically empty and the dead silence made him shiver, he felt like he was in some sort of horror movie and that Caleb would jump out and chase him around with a chainsaw or something.

Once he walked up, he felt sick to his stomach because their was Reggie and Alex, already sitting on the edge of the stage, their feet dangling off it

"I- guys? What are you doing here?"

It was Alex who replied, Reggie sat their like a statue, frozen in the saddest of expressions.

"It doesn't matter how, it matters that Julie is happy and healthy- I asked Caleb to also take her memories of us"

Luke thought his idea was good, upsetting but good. Now Julie wouldn't never come looking for them.

"Guess we're back to square one" he said glancing down at his arm, there, just below his wrist was the purple mark

"Guess we are" Alex sighed as Luke sat beside Reggie

they sat there in silence; their passion, their joy, their love, their music- had been ripped away in the short time of one single day

And it only gets worse from there....


It's so short and shit but I guess I delivered. Probably not the ending you was looking for but oh well

Last time I updated it was almost a year ago so I apologise in advance

Huge thank you to everyone who read, liked and comment, you have truly made my smile and helped grow my confidence

I'm considering doing a sequel but idk, I did leave a huge opener so it's a possibility

Thanks again,

Charlotte xxx

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