Ep4 pt3. Waving through a window

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Alex felt on top of the world! I mean, he did it. He actually did it; Willie was going to go on a date with him! He couldn't believe it and when he strutted into the studio with his head held high, it showed.

"Why are you so cheery?" Asked Reggie taking his eyes of his bass to stare at Alex in awe.

Alex merrily skipped around the room then plonked himself onto his seat to play a little beat on his drum "Willie and I kissed! And now we're going on a date this weekend!"

This was Luke's chance at an excuse to not go to the gig, Alex's  happiness was far more important than a gig so he won't be able to make it and without Alex there will be no band.

"Well, looks like we can't preform now, real shame.. but Alex's love life comes first" he claimed putting his hands on Alex's shoulders

"Flynn told me about it, I'll have time to preform our one song" smiled Alex

"Perfect" Luke said sarcastically as he  took his hands away from Alex to sit back on his couch, It was not the response He was hoping for but he was sure that he'll think of something... sooner rather than later.

On the topic of songs, he and Julie hadn't written anything in a while due to the fact he was trying to avoid her, emphasis on the 'trying'. Of course he'd get an idea from that, Reggie still left his country music in his journal so why not use that to his advantage?

"Speaking of the gig, I was thinking, I've been having writers block lately and~" he began but was cut off by Reggie

"But You don't get writers block, are you sure this hasn't got anything to do with ju~" now it was time for Luke to cut Reggie off

"WELL I DO NOW, REGINALD" he said raising his voice a bit and wildly exaggerating his hands

It took Reggie several moments for him to realise that Luke was still trying to avoid Julie which he showed his understanding by putting his thumbs up and nodding viciously causing Luke to slowly put his head in his hands, hoping the ground would just swallow him up whole. Reggie was so oblivious yet so obvious.

Julie stared at the bickering boys in confusion as though she'd missed something, which she had. She gave a confused sideways glance over at Flynn who merely shrugged, neither of them knew what all this was truly about.

"Is something wrong?" She asked placing her hands on her hips, The boys instantly froze then went back to normality.

"Nope. Nothing. Why would anything be wrong? Anyway! I think Reggie should preform his new song, home is where my horse is" Luke said by changing the subject, sure he hadn't actually read Reggie's song but how awful could it be, right?

Reggie was shocked. Luke never wanted anything to do with his country music! perhaps Luke finally recognised his talent!.... or maybe he just wanted an excuse to not sing with Julie, either way Reggie was pleased.

"No. It's called JULIE and the phantoms not Reggie and the phantoms, this could be an important gig for the band" Flynn said bitterly as Reggie pouted,  not that She would of noticed anyway because she wouldn't make eye contact with him at all.

"But look at his face! He's desperate! And he's earned it!" Protested Luke

Julie had, had enough! She desperately missed him and wanted more than anything for him to notice her once again, even if she had to force him to herself. She grasped at him by the wrist and dragged him outside alway from the others.

Luke was taken by surprise at Julie's annoyed actions, he reached his hand out in a pleading way in hopes that Reggie would take it and save him from his fate. Though Reggie left him hanging while grinning, much to Luke's dismay and sudden betrayal.

"Hey Julie! How ya doing? Good talk, cya later!" He blurted attempting to worm his way out of the situation only to be crashing back in it by Julie yanking his arm

"What is wrong with you?!?! Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Julie fired a dozen questions at him wishing he'd answer at least one

"Yes!..No! It's not you.. I just..you see... I- I.. umm, why is this so hard? I'm sweating.. is it hot in here? Wait, never mind we're outside so obviously it isn't..." Luke struggled greatly with trying to explain his feelings for Julie "I've just been in an emotional place lately and I've taken it out on you... sorry jules"

It wasn't a complete lie, he had been in an emotional place.. with his feelings for her..

It wasn't the best thing he'd ever come up with before but Julie seemed to go along with it despite not truly buying it.

"It's ok, as long as you feel better" she said giving his hand a quick squeeze before walking off back in the studio

But he didn't feel better.. Not really, anyway. His plan had failed and he was no closer in getting over her, if anything he was into her even more.


I literally just stubbed my freaken toe, owieeee... anyway I do hope you liked this chapter despite it being one of my shorter ones.

I was actually considering writing a extras book on short little stories/ scenarios, texts, original scripts, questions/ requests and pretty much anything so If that's anything you'd wanna see let me know

Nothing too much really went on in this chapter but oh well big things shall happen next.

I'm still struggling on band songs so any recommendations/ requests will really help


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