8. Something

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Ello!  Look at me posting at one in the morning.  Why?  Cause I'm constantly being dragged to parties that I do nothing in.  I'm like a super introvert, so during these things I'm writing, and reading.  I'll tell you this, I was blasting my Spotify playlist as I making this to avoid talking to anybody in the room. 😑

Love Y'alls!          


Steve POV

I have to say it, I'm glad Percy's back. We barely break a sweat fighting monster attacks now. But when I say 'we barely break a sweat fighting, I mean Percy isn't. Once we get there Percy takes out just about all of them but like three.

Now that he knows that we know where his parents are, he visits them almost daily. One time he came back with a huge amount of blue cookies. Let's just say that we learned to never touch Percy's food again.

A week has gone by, and Percy seems to be adjusting to school. His grades are average with mostly B's and a few A's. Percy and Peter are great friends now. I was a bit worried about Percy. His strength and stamina were slowly going down. Like very slowly, but enough that he got a few more scrapes and cuts when fighting.

Then every time we fight a monster their last words were always a weird warning that only Percy seemed to understand. Percy came back from his parents' house with a jar of cookies.

He walked over and gave it to us. Tony raised a brow. "Uh, is this a trick, cause the last time I tried to eat a cookie you tried to break my arm." We laughed remembering that. Percy shook his head. "Nope, these are for you guys!"

He put the jar on the table, and we slowly took one. "You ate a different jar didn't you? That's why we get these." Natasha was still a spy even while eating cookies. Percy pouted. "No! My mom said those were for 'the other people'."

We laughed and continued to eat. But of course, we couldn't do anything somewhat fun now. JARVIS announces an attack as we just started eating. "Monster attack at *insert an active place in New York*."

We groaned, but Percy jumped up. "Come on guys! I've got energy to burn!" We got to the place, and stacks of monsters were running around attacking humans. My vision kept switching up what I saw.

Sometimes I saw terrifying monsters, others aliens from our last battle, then I just saw crazy people with guns and rabid animals. I knew that they were evil though. We went in for the kill.

Since there were lots of people, Percy didn't kill nearly as much as he usually did. Though I knew something else was going on. When he got hit it seemed to take more out of him then it would normally. I couldn't think about Percy though. I was busy fighting some of my own monsters.

Then the dark cloud known as Kronos appeared. Next to him was his assist that Percy captured. Percy groaned. "Seriously!? Why'd you have to free him? Or do you really need his help to take us down?"

The assist scowled. "Lord Kronos just brought me back to fulfill my duty. Killing the Avengers!" The guy turned at us. I looked at the rest of the team. We got ready to fight him. He ran towards us, and we did the same.

But before he even got close something hit him, and he fell down with an 'oof'. We stopped, and looked around. Percy had his arm stretched out. A smirk on his face. We looked at the guy that was now unconscious.

A rock laid next to him. A rock that was covered in his blood. I ran to look at him closer. It had hit his head, but not too hard that he died. Percy chuckled then started fighting off more monsters. Strange laughed. "That kid is something."

We split up again dodging, and attacking monsters. After a while we finally finished. I told Percy about the monsters' looks. The rest of the team agreed with me.

Thor looked at Percy. "Do you think we could help them?" Percy stroked his invisible beard. "I could call in a favor."

Wanda POV

Percy started a fire in the fireplace, and grabbed some food. "Umm, Percy what are you doing?" Bruce looked nervously at Percy. He always seemed to worry for him. Percy told him to wait.

I looked at him, and noticed him muttering something under his breath before dumping all the food into the fire. I ran up to him. "Hey! Why did you just pour a plate of food into a fire?!"

He smiled. "Just wait." The smell of burning food filled the room. I gagged. Soon a flash of light came, and a woman stood in its place. We stared at Percy and the woman. I started voicing my thoughts. "PERCY WHO- WHAT IS GOING ON!"

The other teammates cringed at my loud voice. I don't blame them. Percy gave me a lopsided smile. "I said I was calling in a favor." Natasha walked up to him, and gave him a mini punch in the arm. "Who is this woman?"

Percy bowed down to the strange woman. "Guys this is Lady Hecate." I remembered that Percy was a demigod. I started bowing before she decided to turn me into a slug. "Hello, Perseus. You said that you needed something?"

Percy got up. "Yes, I wanted you to let my friends see through the mist. Not perfectly like Rachel, but like my mom. Enough for them to see, but not enough for them to be like the oracle."

Hecate nodded, and held her hands in front of us. My eyes started burning, and I closed them to get rid of the pain. When I opened them I felt no different. Hecate smiled. "It is done Perseus. Remember I want those blue cookies by the end of the week!"

She shot Percy a glare, and he rolled his eyes and nodded. She smiled, and disappeared. Peter rubbed his head. "You paid her cookies to do this?"

Percy nodded. "Yep! My mom is gonna have to make some cookies for Hecate so she doesn't blast me to pieces." I laughed and shook my head. Percy was crazy sometimes.

Percy left to do whatever he does in his free time. We ate, talked, and watched TV for the rest of the day. No more monsters to deal with.

Clint POV

The next morning after that weird Hecate lady messed with our heads, I had a date with Natasha. I decided that maybe we should see if it's right for us. We were just walking down the streets talking about monsters. Yep, monsters were now a normal conversation topic for us.

I look at her. The wind is blowing through her hair. She likes to head out on the road, and you know we don't really care. Cause we're just doing just what we want. She likes to travel all around. I'll take her everywhere and back.

I'll say that I missed us just hanging around. Not constantly worrying about monsters or the crazy fourteen year old Avenger we have in our house. We arrived back, and ran for our weapons. About a dozen monsters were attacking the mansion.

Our weapons were left at the front when we left. Percy was fighting a very angry, and mean looking monster. Percy kept saying something with the word 'Perses' in it. I ignored it, and ran to help the rest of the team. Now that Hecate did whatever to us, the monsters looked a lot more terrifying.

Wanda was doing very well with Vision. Just about as good as Percy did. I shot a monster, then flipped forward to avoid a piece of debris that a monster threw. I stabbed an arrow through it, and it disintegrated.

I helped the rest, and at the end the living room was covered in gold. We turned, and saw that we all looked well. Then Bruce yelled out. We turned, and I froze. Percy had a sword in his stomach, in front of him was Steve.

Percy fell, and we ran forward. Steve was muttering things next to us. I looked at the wound. "Hurry Bruce! He's lost a lot of blood!"

Bruce nodded, and Wanda floated him to the med bay. Was he gonna be ok?

Also, 400 READS!  Dude I love you all so much! 💕    I also want to know if the length of the chapters is enough or not, and if I post often enough.  Feel free to tell me if I don't post in a week or so,  I probably forgot!  

         Love Y'alls


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