7. Grounded Hero

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Song is from The Lightning Thief Musical.  Art is by Kallina 

Percy POV

Why didn't Annabeth want to help? Why wasn't she going to help? I didn't want to think anymore.

I was probably never as bored as I was now in my entire life. Which actually didn't happen too much. I sat in bed trying to think. I closed my eyes to sleep.

*Once again I woke up in a very dark place. I looked in the corner and... yep. My blood was sitting in a puddle on the ground. I stupidly looked away, and saw his face. Kronos was sitting on the floor.

I didn't like what was next to him. A silver katana was sharpened in his hands now. He grabbed me by my hands, and I was suspended from the roof with my arms. The second I was up Kronos rammed the sword into my chest.

I screamed. He smirked, and continued. Every single dam time he did that I could feel myself giving up to him. I wouldn't give him the pleasure of hearing me scream. After a bit he got bored and tried something else.

He threw me against the wall while I stifled a yelp. I looked at him again, and I lost all confidence. Gabe was in front of me holding an empty beer bottle. The thing was, I could never stand up to Gabe.

He was the only person that could make me feel worthless. He walked up to me. "Look here. The little boy's all grown up." I tried backing up. I was against a wall, so that was dumb. He didn't waste a second after that.

He hit the beer bottle against the wall, giving it some broken edges. I yelled at the sound. Some things you never get over. "Worthless child. I don't know why we didn't get rid of you earlier." He used a sharp edge to cut me across the stomach.

Gabe threw the bottle at my head soon after. I felt the warm blood dripping from my head onto my face. "Retarded child. Dead waste of space and money." I curled into a ball for protection. I heard a small clang, and turned.

Gabe had his belt in his hand, and an evil look on his face. The belt had small but sharp iron studs. I was scared. Scared about what Gabe would do to me. He held the belt then I heard the sickening crack of the belt on my back.

I cried out. I hated how vulnerable I was around him. He hit me for another. "Don't cry." I stopped crying. He snapped the belt again. I felt the studs making small holes in my back. They were gushing blood.

After ten more hits Gabe left. I was in a fetal position, while crying tears, and spilling blood. I passed out after that.*

I woke up, and immediately threw up. At least I didn't bleed in real life. One more day. I was only grounded for how much I was suspended. Three days. I had already gone through two.

I jumped onto the floor. My legs couldn't take the weight after the pain. I collapsed. I cursed then got back up. The Avengers were out with monster attacks. I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard a thump.

I looked out and groaned. Gorgons. I grabbed Riptide, and headed for the door. I was trying to open the door when JARVIS started talking. "Mr. Jackson. You are not permitted to leave the premises."

I'm shocked. I had to fight those monsters before they caused more damage. I retreated to the medical cabinet, and grabbed four syringes. I went back to the living room. The gorgons were glaring at me through the window.

I back up. "Mr. Jackson, what are you doing?" I ran forward. The glass around me shatters as I run through the window. I keep the syringes tucked into my pocket. I had each of them labelled before I left. My writing was sloppily, but readable.

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