13. The Morning Plan

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Yes, yes, yes.  I know I haven't posted for a month I think?  But I'm here now!  So here's the chapter, and I'll tell you only 7 chapters of this story left!  Well at least I'm shooting for 7 chapters.  

                          Love Y'alls,


Annabeth POV

"It's really great to see you Percy."

"Yeah, this place just isn't the same."

It was dark out, and I was talking with Percy in the hallway. All the other demigods had already fallen asleep, and were probably having nightmares.

 I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Kronos has MY dagger.

Percy had left and was now chatting with the Avengers. I didn't like them. They were so old, and we demigods do not have a good history with old and powerful people.

I walked into Percy's room, and crawled onto a bed. I could still hear the others' faint voices through the walls. I kept thinking about how this attack would work, and I fell asleep.

Once I woke up I jolted out of bed and ran to the kitchen. I went for an apple, and walked over to a new blank piece of paper.

 Camp Half-Blood demigods don't like too many plans for these attacks, but they do need some direction.

First I needed to figure out the battlefield. Were we gonna have this battle at the Empire State Building again? I hope not. Soon Percy and the Tony guy walked over.

"Um, hi Annabelle."

Percy chuckled a bit.

"Dude, her name is Annabeth."

Tony's mouth formed an 'o' and he started looking at the blank paper.


Percy looked up at me.


"Where is this fight taking place?"

Percy froze for a second, thinking.

"I think at Washington Square Park."

Before starting the map I looked back at him.

"How do you know that?"

Percy swallowed a handful of chips and said, "Well Kronos likes going to parks for minor attacks, so he'll probably use this huge park for the final one."

That was a very risky guess, but I trust Percy. I started the drawing of the park as the other demigods woke up.

 Leo seemed to have a rough morning, as I saw him drag himself to the fridge. Most of the team grabbed whatever was in the fridge and ate it.

I guess they were enjoying the plentiful supply of food. I looked over at Leo, and thought for a second.

"Leo! I need you over here!"

"What do you want Annabeth?! I'm hungry, and tired, and hungry."

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he was a child. Which makes sense since he was one.

"Just get over here!"

Leo groaned and took a big bag of crackers as he slowly shuffled over to me.

"Hello, my Queen. What must I do for you?" He said mockingly.

I ignored it and told him what I needed him to do.

"Well the park has a lot of ground to cover, and I hoped that maybe you could set stone traps around. We could have them round them up to a minefield or sensor triggering arrows. Just something that would keep us from tiring too much."

Leo stopped goofing off, and looked down at the map. I could see the gears in his head turning as some crazy ideas formed. He smiled, and started tapping the table.

"Yes, I can do that! How deadly can I make them? Like super bad or just enough to make them turn to some dust?"

I smirked. "As bad as you want them to be."

"All right! Yo, Mr. Stark imma need that workshop of your's. Ooh, and I'll need a lot of Celestial Bronze or Imperial Gold. Both would be well appreciated, have them thrown into a box and brought down to the workshop. I'm going to draw up some blueprints, see you down there Mr. Stark!"

Leo pumped his fist into the air, and ran down to create his machines. I laughed as Tony tried to speak as he rambled on. He ran after Leo, I'm guessing so that Leo wouldn't break or ruin something.

I looked back down at the map. I would need Leo's final report for weapons and traps before I could create the best war plan for this. Percy showed up behind me, and jumped on the cushion next to me.

"You good Wise Girl? You got that look."

I looked up from the paper and scowled.

"What look, you Seaweed Brain?"

He turned upside down and laughed.

"That cute little look on your face when you're planning something great."

I was flustered and mumbled out words. To Hades with your stupid remarks Percy! He flipped back around and smiled.

"You good Annabeth?"

He gave me that floppy smile again, and I pushed him away as I felt my face heat up.

"Let me work Percy! Go talk to the fish or whatever!"

I turned back down to the plan and started biting the pencil. Ugh. I'll figure it out when Leo gives me something to work with. For now I just need a break.

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