Something Else

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Pic on the side is Jared.


Another week has passed. School has been keeping me busy.And then Cheer Practice. I'm seriously considering leaving the team now.

But thank god for so much work-I'm so tired I sleep like a baby.Sure I get that dream occasionally but it doesn't scare me anymore.

You know that thing about fears getting old-that is exactly what has happened. I've grown used to it.

Jared and I talk during class.Or rather I talk and he replies in monosyllables.What was wrong with him?I'm trying to be his friend -does he like being a loner!!

"Hey Sis!"Caleb slapped the back of my head.

"Ouch!Cave-man!"I complained.

"Haha.So you're coming to the game tonight ,right? "He asked.

"You do know I'm on the cheer team,right! "I rolled my eyes.

"Ok see you there!"He left.

The match was between our school and Falls Academy.

I was going through my warm-up routine when Crys came up to me.

"So,his name is Jared Hayden and he lives on Elm Street. Alone -parents don't stay here.I dont know where he lived earlier. Ohh,he's an only child. "She said in one breath.

"Huh?..Who..What ..?"

"Jared!History class Jared?New guy Jared?Uber-hot Jared?Drop dead go.."

"Ok I get it.Why are you telling me?"I cut her off mid-sentence.

"Oh please. You think I haven't noticed the longing glances? You totally have the hots for him!"She hissed at me.

"Yeah..just..How do you know this? Have you been stalking him?"I glared at her.

"Heavens no!He's in all my Advanced Classes."

So Jared was gorgeous and smart.Goody! !

"So what he is?"I asked,hiding my obvious delight.

"So I asked him.You know, normal people talk,by talking they get to know each other and that is how you.."She babbled on.

"Ugh just go.I have a match to cheer."

"Sure I wouldn't want your knees to go weak.No that wont fit well at all at the organized movements! " She winked and left.

So Jared Hayden wasn't rude to everybody. Only I got that special treatment.

The match went well.Our team won 3-1.Caleb scored the winning goal.The team was celebrating when I decided I wanted to get home.

I had barely walked two steps when April called out:"Babe!!"

I grimaced.

"Hey!Where do you think you are going? "She asked.

"Uhh..home? "

"No way. You are coming to the after-party!"She said firmly.

"Uhh April you know I.."

"Come on babe!You are part of the Cheer Team. You NEED to be present at stuff like this!"She whined."Plus,it is at Raven Bledsoe's house! " She wiggled her eyebrows.

Raven Bledsoe was the Captain of the football team.The ultimate jock-who was the school's man whore .A lot of girls were a part of his twisted,perverted fantasy.

"Come on.Your brother will be there!"

I gave in-if Caleb was there I didn't mind.

When we arrived,the party had already started. Loud music blared inside and a bunch of people were already outside -completely wasted. The door was left open and as soon as we got in-April disappeared.

I walked amongst the main hall-avoiding drunks and wasted, hormonal teenage boys.

Suddenly I noticed Caleb sitting on a couch-some blonde bimbo was sitting on his lap. One look at her dress made me want to vomit.

The scene wasn't very different elsewhere. I looked around -almost everybody was drunk.Suddenly I saw him.

He was dressed in a simple black shirt and faded jeans. A strand of hair fell carelessly on his forehead. His perfect face looked bored as he occasionally nodded at April!!.. I felt jealousy rise within me-so maybe she did get what she wanted.

I was about to walk off when a hand snaked around my stomach.

"Hello there gorgeous! "He whispered into my ear.


I turned at him and smiled.

"Enjoying the party? " He breathed. A little too close for my comfort.

"Yeah.Lovely. But I'm gonna go now so.."

"Not so fast sugar! How about a little thank you gesture? "He gripped my arm and leaned in .

"Let go of me!" I struggled.He was too strong .

He pushed me against the wall. I could smell alcohol on his breath.I kept struggling -but I couldnt see anybody around.

"Come on Sugar. Easy there. You know you.."

Suddenly he was yanked off my body.As Raven fell hard on the floor I looked at my savior.


Jared bent down and punched Raven square in the jaw.He could no longer move. Drunk and beaten -yup,he was in terrible shape.

Jared took my hand. A shot of electricity went through my body.He pulled me through the crowd and finally we were out.

"Are you ok?" I was in a daze when he finally spoke.

"Yeah I..."I mumbled.

"I'll take you home.Where do you live?"

I mumbled my address and got into his car.

The whole way home I could feel his concerned gaze on me. Our eyes met a few times-but that's it.We didn't talk.

He dropped me in front of my eyes. I waved goodbye and was about to go in when his voice called out:"Evelyn!"

I turned.

"Be safe." He said and drove off.

I sighed. I dont know if i'll be safe Jared. But I'll try.

It was hard to believe the rude boy in my History class was the same one who saved me tonight.

You are something else Jared Hayden.Something else.


Thanks so much for reading. This is chapter 3.chapter 4 will be up today. (A lot of drama coming up!)..*beams *..

Love u guys!

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