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Pic on the side is Caleb.


I didn't have to open my eyes to see who it was.I could recognize that voice anywhere.I didn't resist as he pulled me up and dragged me to the nearest bench.

"Are you ok?''He asked.

"Why does she hate me so much?What have i done?"I sobbed.

"Who hates you?"I looked into his pleading eyes.The kindness and emotions held there brought about a fresh wave of tears.

"Hey..Evelyn..It's fine.You don't have to talk about it."He quickly said.

"No.I want to.I'm ready."

And I was.For the first time in life,i wanted to open up about my past.

"It all began 9 years ago.."I said quietly.Jared took my hand in his and squeezed it slightly.At that moment-I felt nothing could scare me.


"Mom but I don't want to sleep right now!"I whined.

"Evie...It's already past your bedtime!"

"How does he get to stay up?"I pointed to Cal who sat on the couch,eating a cookie and making occassional faces at me.

"Because he didn't finish his Science project."Mom smiled."Hey!I told you to finish your work,young man-and you are eating cookies now!"Mom suddenly looked at Cal.

"But Mom,it was one cookie!"

"Listen to your mother Caleb,or I'm not taking you fishing on Saturday."Dad suddenly walked in.

"Daddy!"I ran to him and hugged his waist.

"And how has your day been ,Princess?"?He kissed the top of my head.

I smiled and Cal stuck his tongue out:"You're so pampered Eve!"

I scowled at him and Dad chuckled.Mom ruffled his hair but told him firmly:"Go upstairs."

"You too Evie."Dad smiled.

"Goodnight!"Cal and I yelled together.

" 'Night kids!"Dad smiled."We love you!"Mom grinned.

I was tossing and turning on my bed-not the least bit sleepy.Maybe I should go annoy Cal...

A loud BAM interrupted my thoughts.I was debating whether or not to go out when my bedroom door opened and Cal walked in.

"Did you hear that?"He asked me.

I nodded.I could hear voices from downstairs.Suddenly Mom walked in.

"Mom,what's wrong?"I asked her.

"Listen carefully honey.I need you to lock this door and stay inside,got it?"She said breathlessly.

"But Mom..."

"Don't argue Caleb.There's no time."

"Where's Dad?"

"He's downstairs."

"WHERE IS SHE?"A man's voice bellowed from downstairs.

"Mom,who are they looking for?Mom..."

"Evie.They are bad people.They want to hurt you and your brother.You need to stay here,got it?"

I could hear raised voices from downstairs.Someone threw something heavy.

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