With Love, Isabella

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Bailey feels the lump in her throat grow bigger by the second. She couldn't be. She can't be.
"No." Bailey whispers as the tears start to form.
"Bailey." Trevor says trying to compose himself for her sake.
"When?" She asks through shaky breaths.
"Tuesday morning. She went in her sleep." He says softly walking towards Bailey.
"Don't. Don't touch me!" Bailey shouts squeezing her eyes shut trying to wake up from what seems to be a nightmare.

Bella had become a second mom to Bailey. She knew everything, how she felt, her secrets, they were one in the same. And now, once again, the woman she held close to her heart and told everything to is gone.

Bailey never noticed Trevor had scooped her up and pulled her close to him on the floor. Holding her he let his silent tears fall into her hair as she let her emotions out.

"It's okay." She hears him whisper in her ear when her sobs come to a stop and all that's left is the silent shakes from her catching her breath.

"I'm so sorry Trevor." Bailey whispers.
"I'll be fine." He says softly.
"No you won't." Bailey says.
"I will if I have you." He says kissing her head.

Bailey and Trevor sit on the floor holding each other. Fingers tangled within the others, breaths in sync, silent. Nothing but the sound of their breaths fill the air.

"Please stay with me." Trevor whispers into Bailey's hair.
"I promise." She answers.

"I have something for you." Trevor says playing with Bailey's fingers.
"What?" She laughs slightly.

Trevor gets up from under Bailey and walks into the kitchen.
"Mom, uh, Bella, told me to give this to you when you found out." He says quietly looking down at the envelope in his hands.

On the front of the white envelope in beautiful handwriting was the word, "Bailey".

"You don't have to open it now." He says looking at her.
"No, I will." Bailey says taking a deep breath. "Can I go to the porch so I can read it alone?" She asks softly.
"Ye-yeah." Trevor says.

Bailey walks to the porch and sits in the chair she's gotten familiar with. She holds the envelope in her hands before carefully opening it and looking at what's inside.

A distorted photo of an old couple, in front of the same building Trevor and Bailey had their first date at.

"Our first date, July 28, 1979." Was written on the back.

The photo was of Isabella and Trevor's father, on their first date. "But why would she give this to me?" Bailey thought before opening the paper and reading the note.

"Dear Bailey,"
The letter starts.

"If you're receiving this letter that means my time has come to be reunited with my love. There are a few things I wish I could have told you before I went, so I decided to write them down for you instead. Firstly, I want to let you know that, even in that short amount of time we spent together, you became like a daughter to me. And I couldn't be happier to say that. You remind me a lot of my self at your age. Stubborn, wild, and free-spirited, but most importantly, full of a great love any man would be lucky to have. And I wish I could have stayed to see who that lucky man would be. Secondly, I want to thank you. For everything you have done since being in my life, but most importantly I want to thank you for giving me my baby boy back. You not only brought color back into my life but you've fully painted his. And that alone, is the best thing anybody could have done for me. Which brings me to my last thing I want to say to you. Don't give up on him so easily. He's a good boy, like his father more than I'd like to admit, but he's a good boy. He's got a soft heart for those he cares about, and you dear are the only person other than myself he's gentle with. So please be gentle with him. I don't know exactly what happened between the two of you, but you two remind me of his father and I. Wether you realize it or not, you guys love each other. And I only hope someday you both will realize that. I know Trevor does, he told me himself. So, my final advise to you my dear is this; Never change. You are a wonderful young lady and I only wish I could have met you sooner. And just as I am proud of you, I know your mother would be as well.
With love,

Bailey folds the letter up and looks into the house. Trevor is standing in the window watching her. Tears running down her face she drops her head and sobs.
She did love Trevor, she really did. At least she thought she could love him, she was starting to love him. But could she tell him that now?

Trevor walks out of the house and crouches down next to Bailey.
"Come on." He says to her lifting her out of the chair.

He walks her inside and onto the couch. He lays Bailey onto of himself and holds her until she stops crying and she goes quiet. Looking down at her relaxed face he knows she's asleep. So he sits there, holding her, confessing his love to her knowing she can't hear him.

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