Cold Shoulder

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"Bailey? Bay are you home?" Bailey hears Sierra ask.
Bailey walks out of her room with tear stained cheeks. Licking her lips she can taste the salt from the wetness that soaked them before her tongue.

"Oh baby." Sierra says sincerely walking up to Bailey and embracing her in her arms.

"Why would he do this to me?" Bailey says releasing more tears into sierras shirt.
"We had such a good day today. Everything was perfect for once. And then- now-". Bailey sobs more not being able to get the words out of her throat.

"It's alright baby. It's alright. I got you." Sierra says brushing her hands over Bailey's hair.
"I got you."

Bailey wakes up the next morning with the memories of the possible worst and best day replaying in her mind.
Rolling over to check her phone she notices a lot of missed calls and texts from Trevor. She quickly clears the notifications and sighs throwing her hands over her head.

Rubbing her face and allowing only two more minutes of feeling sorry for her self Bailey gets in the shower to wash the reminisce of his touch off of her.

Getting dressed she traces her pale lips with her thumb.
"Damnit Bailey, quit." She thinks throwing her down on the sink.
"He doesn't care about you, it was a game." "Get the hell over it and move on." "Show him what he's missing." The little voice in her head says to her.

Bailey looks at herself in the mirror, smirks, and whispers to herself. "Get ready Trevor Anderson."

In class on Monday Trevor tries to talk to Bailey.
"Hey, I've been trying to get ahold of you." He says as he sits down next to her.
"I know." She says never looking at him.
"Well what's going on? I haven't seen you since our date." He questions.
"Just been busy is all." She says monotone.
"Well you look beautiful. I didn't think you wore makeup to classes." He says trying to spark even the slightest conversation with her.
"Thanks." She replies smugly.

The bell rings and Bailey gathers her things to leave.
"I'll see you tonight?" Trevor says with a questioning tone.
"Yeah." Bailey says as she walks ahead of him.

She was giving him the cold shoulder and she's never felt more in control.

Later that evening while talking with Isabella Bailey finds herself thinking more and more about Trevor.

"Bella?" Bailey asks as they sit on the porch.
"Yes dear?" The older woman responds.
"I- I- I think I have to quit." Bailey says softly and quietly.
"Well why's that dear?" Isabella questions.
"I just- I don't think I can be here and see him." Bailey answers.
"Oh dear, why not? Trevor said you guys had a wonderful date. He told me all about it! It sounded lovely. You guys remind me of his father and I at your age." Bella smiles brightly.
"It was a very great date. But something happened later that night and I've been giving him the cold shoulder ever since." Bailey admits.
"Oh hunny please don't." Bella pleads.
"I'm sorry. I just- I can't see him after that not outside of school." Bailey says tears pricking her eyes.
"It's okay sweetheart. Things will work out when they're supposed to. But I understand. And I will miss you terribly." Bella says smiling.
"I'll miss you too. Maybe I can come by now and then and we can talk." Bailey smiles.
"I would love that." Isabella says.

When Trevor gets home from work he's hesitant while walking up to the table only Bailey was sitting at now.
When Bailey sees him she stands up throwing her bag over her shoulder.
"She's in bed. But we had a good day. And uhh, I guess I'll only be seeing you in classes, I've already gotten ahold of your cousin and she said she can take on some of my hours, but I'm sure you guys will get it figured out." Bailey says.
"Bailey, please."
"No trevor. I can't. I'm sorry." Bailey says without ever looking at him.

And after that sentence she walked out of the door, resisting the urge to look back to see if he's watching her walk away.

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