Chapter 17: The Break Up

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Chapter 17 - The Break Up

What has my life has come to when Dillion Humphrey is the only person really paying my birthday any mind? I mean, tomorrow is my 'Sweet Sixteen' and I was going to spend it alone.

Every since the twins and I started at Newtown Prep; I've barely seen my dad. He was putting in overtime at work, and at first, I thought it was to pay for the twin's tuition but now I think he just rather not be home. The more successful my mom's salon became, it seemed like the more they were at odds. Honestly, I was barely home myself, having practice and hanging around with Demetrius.

I guess after I break up with him, I'll have to deal with the failing construct of my family.

Most people sing in the shower, I ponder my life. The warm water seemed to wash away my aches from a grueling practice. I didn't even tell any of my teammates that my birthday is tomorrow. Contrary to how much time we spent together, I wasn't close to any of them. I mean, we shared small meaningless conversations every no and then, but we weren't sharing any secrets any time soon.

Besides, they mainly flocked to Million.

I was the last one to finish, the locker room was a ghost town by the time I was fully dressed.

"Was having too much fun with showerhead, huh?" Dillion greeted me with a creepy smile as I walked out of the locker room.

"What are you doing?" I asked, dodging his perverted comment.

"Answer this first, were you thinking about me?" he waved his brows. "Because I was sneezing up a storm out here."

I sighed, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. "You never cease to disturb me."

"That wasn't a no." he grinned. "I wanted to offer you a ride home."

"This isn't the first time you've offered me a ride home, and every time I decline. What makes you think this time will be different?"

"C'mon Char. You really think I don't know where you live? I know your sister friends. I've known where you lived since the first week of school."

"Boom! Disturbed again." My relationship with Dillion may have leaned towards friend territory, but I was still apprehensive letting him in. He's tagged all over with red flags.

"Is your boyfriend picking you up?"

"No. I told him to meet me at my house."

"You're inviting him over just to dump him? Cold."

"We live in the same neighborhood." I rolled my eyes. "I'm really trying to avoid his mother."

"I'll let you drive. I mean, you'll be getting your license soon, right?"

"You're so irresponsible." Giving up, I accepted his offer. "I control the aux too."

"Aux, what year are you in. It's Bluetooth."


I haven't really driven a car since the summer, and I have never driven one with so many buttons. It was like a spaceship in here.

"It's just push-to-start. Put your foot on the break." He leaned over and pressed the start button. The car was so silent, I wasn't even sure if it was fully on.

I set the car in reverse and subtle beeping sound began as video from the camera on the back of the car started to play on the screen. Ignoring the display, I manually looked back, reversing the car out of the school's parking lot.

"You look so focus when you drive." He commented, taking my phone from the cup holder.

"You mean I shouldn't be focused when operating heavy machinery? Wow, what has my dad been teaching me?" I replied sarcastically.

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