Chapter 5: Sunflowers

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Chapter Five: Sunflowers

Today was surprisingly peaceful so far. It was like I didn’t matter anymore, and I thought I faded into an extra; a person whose storyline didn’t matter. That was until culinary arts.

“Charlene, can you help me get some supplies?” Dillion asked, waving for me to follow him. Why did he have to be a teacher assistant when I had this class? It was just a bad coincidence.

Justin was sitting around like he wasn’t part of the scheme to trick me, so why couldn’t he do the same? My days would be a lot smoother if I didn’t have to interact with any of them at all.

Sighing, I left my seat to follow him into the hall.

“What now?” I asked when we were alone in the storage room.

“Are you and your sisters out here to embarrass me?” He crossed his arms, looking butt-hurt like always.

“Excuse me? Who piss who off first?” I mimicked his arm-cross. "And then literally pissed on himself."

“All you had to do was jerk me off one time, and this would’ve never happened.”

I laughed hysterically. “It’s like you want me to kick you right now. This is sexual harassment.”

“Cut it with that bull. You should take it as a compliment, I can already guess you’re a virgin. I mean, who would touch that?”

“Apparently you.” I snapped back, ignoring the jab at my self-esteem.

“Out of desperation, yeah.” He sucked his teeth, looking straight at me. “Look, I didn’t come here to argue with you. My image is shattering. Peeing on yourself out of laughter is funny, but out of fear? Now, that’s pathetic.”

“It would’ve never happened if you just leaved me alone, and lived your life without trying to destroy mine.”

“What do you want? Money? Weed? Extensions? My mom got a whole bunch of those she hasn’t even touched yet.”

“Are you fucking with me right now?” Each time I thought I couldn’t get any more disgusted by him, he broke the high score.

“C’mon. Don’t act like this isn’t from some naïve girl in India.” He reached up to touch my hair, but I slapped his arm away.

“Fuck you.” I bit my bottom lip, trying to remain calm. I had my hair in two big cornrows that intertwined in the back. I saw nothing wrong with wearing a weave, but I wasn’t going to let him touch me or my hair like it was the eight wonder of the world.

Was this on purpose? Was there a hidden camera, and he was trying to get me expelled for beating his ass. I’ve never felt so angry in my entire life, it was like trying to contain a nuclear meltdown in me.

I tried walking out, but he pulled me back.

“Whoa, we’re not done here.” He waved his finger at me.

“We are if you think that I’ll just stand here and be disrespected by you.”

“Sorry, I can’t resist the faces you make. It’s funny. You really hate me, huh?” He smirked.

“I despise you and the grandiose personality you carry yourself with. Do you just hate women, or just the black ones?”

“Pause it; I’m not racist; I got a ton of black friends. You’re just overly sensitive. I mean, it’s not like I told you to cook and raise my kids for me, or something.”

Yeah, because the ‘I got black friends’ defense was always just. What's the difference of that between a gay person having a beard to hide their sexuality? Racist can have black friends to hide their true feelings. I still wasn’t sure if he was one, or just extremely ignorant. Maybe both.

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