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Things between me and Dixie are going very well. My mum and Luke love her, and I do it too. I don't wanna rush things, but after three months, every day with her I have to tell her that I deeply love her.
From "Dixie <3"
Hey babe, we have to talk.
From you
I have to talk to you too.
From "Dixie <3"
Should I be worried?
From you
I think what I am going to say it's a beautiful thing to say.
From "Dixie <3"
My lord, you wanna marry me? hahahaha
From you
Should I be worried?
From "Dixie <3"
I don't know, but it's an important thing to me.
She is at my door, anxious as I thought she would be.
We go straight in my bedroom and she smiles at me, the she hugs me.
«Wait, are you going to break up with me?» I say.
«What the hell Daniel, of course not. Why would I break up with you if I love you? Stop being insecure about us.»
My eyes are so open that I feel pain.
«That's what I was going to tell you.»
«To stop being insecure?»
«No, that I love you. Dixie I am deeply in love with you, even if I have met you four months ago.»
«Wow.» she is crying.
«What have I said wrong babe?»
«I am going to London next week to study.»
And we live in Boston, she is going 102 miles away from me.

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