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«Daddy! I have to pee! Open the door!»
«I'm coming, calm down Luke.» I watch him and give him a sign that he can come into the bathroom.
«Daniel! Where is your bracelet?»
I understand she's talking about Riley's bracelet and I panic.
«Mum...isn't it in the tunic?»
«No baby, I think you lost it.»
«Fuck!» I start crying and I sit on the ground.
«Daddy?» he starts crying after seeing me and comes hugging me.
«What about an ice cream buddy?» I say to my son. He smiles and he holds my hands: sign that he wanna walk.
In the ice cream shop he chooses vanilla, like his mother always did. I don't want ice cream anymore.
«Hey Luke!»
«Hey Diddi!» what the fuck.
I see my son talking to Dixie, is she everywhere?
«Where is your liar dad?»
Oh fuck, shit, she found out.
«My dad is not a liar. He didn't want to tell you this thing.» how is he three years old?
«I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I didn't know you.»
«Don't worry I understand.» she smiles, I admit, she's cute. «Also, I think this is yours, it was in my tunic.» she shows me Riley's bracelet. "Try not to cry, Daniel, you're nineteen."
«Oh my God, I don't know how to thank you.»
«Maybe with a date?» I make a strange face and she laughs «With Luke, as friends. His mother can come too.»
«My mum is in heaven.» he says with a sad smile.
«Oh, I... I am so so sorry. Of course she is in heaven, if she made a sweet creature like you.»
I smile, maybe she's cute in the inside too.

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