15- Hello Sorcerer

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Chapter 15

Annaliese enters the tower the evening after her return from Bulovia and takes in the familiar scent of the stone room. She is still giddy with the thrill of their affair, cut short though it was. She bounces down the stairs to the empty room and, she is sad to see, empty mirror. Though it is not unusual for Zorander to be away from his chamber so early in the evening, she is still disappointed.

She has no intention of missing him however and decides to wait. Taking a book from the desk that she had left here over a week ago, she sits down to read but finds she can't concentrate on the words. Scanning the room, her attention lands on the wardrobe and her smile broadens, her eyes shining in the low light.


Zorander had been greeted by the council with two day's worth of spell casting to make up for his time away. He could not have cared less. If that was the price for two days with Annaliese, he would gladly pay it one hundred fold.

He enters his chambers in exhaustion and looks to the mirror. Partially out of habit, not necessarily daring to hope she will be there, it being so late in the night.

But she is there, lying on his bed with a book in her hand and...

His robe draped around her.

He swallows hard and studies her. His beautiful princess engulfed in his heavy robes, he is aroused by the intimacy of it. He searches frantically for his scroll and when he looks up, her eyes have locked onto his.

She sits up and one large sleeve slips from her shoulder, revealing bare skin and his heart pounds. He notices her dress draped over the desk chair and he understands that the robe, his robe, is touching the most private areas of her flesh.

"Hello, Sorcerer."

Years ago, his heart had soared when she called him by just his name. So familiar it had been, with no title to ruin the closeness. Now the heat in her eyes sets his body aflame at the use of his profession as a name, the implication of dark power, and her delight in it.

His lip curls slowly into his trademark sneer. "Good evening, my Princess. I hope you didn't wait too long." He drops his own robe from his shoulders and drapes it carefully on a chair beside the mirror.

"I'd have waited much longer than that." She rises from the bed and approaches, seeming to close the gap between them from miles to mere steps. The robe gaps at her chest, soft cleavage teasing his view, her necklace, the only thing remaining of her dress, still shining from her skin.

He envisions her above him, hair draping her face and her necklace dangling above his chest, swinging with their rhythm.

Deciding to finally voice his thoughts, "you look beautiful in a sorcerer's robe, Apprentice."

She counters, "I rather like you out of yours." He raises an eyebrow at her.

They stand that way for a moment. Neither speaking. He's not sure how far he can push or where they can realistically go. He wants very badly for her to drop the robe. Part of him would fall to his knees to beg the privilege. But then, does he really? Or would he rather wait until he can remove it himself, slide a hand down her waist as the fabric falls to the floor.

As delightful of a view as she is, he fears his own want of her might overwhelm him. He smiles a more natural smile and breaks the spell she has over him. "This is a dangerous game, Annaliese. Maybe we should wait until I'm there to continue, hmm?"

She smiles back and shrugs. "Yes, I guess so." He sees her giggle a little. "Probably I should go to sleep. You made me wait a long time you know." She pouts a little. Not typical for Annaliese but he finds it adorable.

"Yes sorry about that. The council had a few extra things planned for my day. But I promise you this, not a day will go by I won't come to see you. If it gets late and you can't wait, I will understand. But I will be here."

She smiles at him. A very Annaliese smile that reaches her eyes. "I'll just sleep here then if I have to. Good night, Zorander."

He sees her start to untie the belt that is holding the robe up on her petite frame and his heart nearly stops and he gapes at her. Both shoulders bare, the soft curve of one breast is exposed, the robe opening down her center in a "v" that nearly reaches her waist.

Noticing her audience member viewing, she grabs a blanket and quickly drapes it over the mirror, covering his view. He grins and speaks quietly to the scroll. He then pastes his scroll facing to the mirror and walks away shaking his head in frustrated delight.

After she has dressed, Annaliese takes off the cover. She sees his parting note and feels her heart flutter. "You'll pay for that in 6 months, you little minx."

She dearly hopes she does.

Hello everyone(:

I know a pretty short chapter but fun to write... love the teasing that's done here hehe

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