Kiss Me To Life

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Pucca- 16   Garu-18   Ching- 18   Abyo- 19

*Garu POV*

I grab my beach bag and stuff it with sunscreen, extra change of clothes, a kunai for emergencies and my favorite towel. I's black with small katana patterns decorating it. It's extremely soft to the touch and I only use it for special occasions. Today was on of those days. My friends and I decided to go to the beach and spend the whole day there today. I put on my swimming trunks and a loose black t-shirt with my sandals and my hair in usual pig tails. I take some extra ribbons and put them in my bag. I hear a small knock on my door. I roll my eyes, already knowing who it was. I hesitate and walk up to the door and open it up. Ching and Abyo stood in the back. And there she stood. A short skinny pale peach skinned girl with jet black hair pulled back into an odango hairstyle. She wore a short sun dress and had a sun hat with a huge satin red bow, black framed sunglasses and chunky bottom sandals, again with a red satin bow tied at the ankles. She had a backpack which looked stuffed and a picnic basket. She was the one in charge of the food. I had been honored by everyone in Sooga village so Master Soo said it was time I could talk again. And Pucca obviously began to talk as well. 

Me- Hello, Pucca.

Pucca- Are you ready? 

She kissed my cheek and I rubbed my cheek where she kissed me with my hand. I sighed in annoyment. She smiled brightly, not looking affected my my reaction.

Abyo- Garu, let's go. We are stopping to get water first and then we'll go to the beach.

Me- Ok.

Ching- Then, let's go!

*Pucca POV*

I get to Garu's door and knock. A couple seconds later he opened the door and looked at me.

Garu- Hello, Pucca.

He talked to me in a monotone voice. I kept mine as cheerful as possible.

Me- Are you ready?

I kissed his cheek softly and he quickly rubbed it off, obviously not liking the sudden affection. I gave a huge bright smile, trying not to look hurt when really it crushed my heart, every single time he rejected my affection towards him. I try my best to look happy even though I get hurt and he never notices it. Sometimes I wonder, I have tons of followers and guys after me. I'm basically the girl who has all the guys. But when it comes to Garu, I feel like I'm not good enough.

Abyo- Garu, let's go. We are stopping to get water first and then we'll go to the beach.

Garu- Ok.

Ching- Then, let's go!

We begin to walk down the street to the store and Abyo and Garu go in to get the stuff while me and Ching are outside taking care of their things. I sigh and sit on the cooler Abyo brought.

Ching- You seem down. What's wrong?

Me- Nothing. I just wonder, what's so bad about me that makes people dislike me?

Ching- What do you mean?

Me- Am I not good enough for Garu?

Ching- Your good enough for anyone and your even better.

Me- Then why doesn't he like me back?

Ching- He's blind obviously. 

*Garu POV*

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