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- 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎 -

3 months later

It's been hard, I got a small job that only pays me half of my rent, I've been getting a lot of hate, I understand why i get it but it's to much

My bump started showing, My parents haven't talked to me ever since the note on Diego's gender reveal happened, I el wonder what happened to them? They haven't answered any of my texts

I decided to go to the store to get some food with the little money I had left

I put on some old shoes and drove to Walmart

I hid my face with my hood not making eye contact with anyone I walked pass

I heard a familiar laugh, I turned my head seeing Jah and stokeley playing around with jenesis and another girl

I quickly turned away but saw Jahseh had seen me

I went to the aisle I need to go on and noticed they had came to the same aisle as me

I quickly left to the next one, it seemed as they were following me because every aisle I went to they were in as well

I had to pass by them in order to get out of the aisle since the other side was crowded by people blocking it

I quickly passed by them "murder" I heard the girl mumble

"Aye Hannah shhh" Jahseh said chuckling a bit

It broke my heart seeing my used to be bestfriends become into stangers and turn their back on me

I understand why but it's hurts, I don't know if they know their whole fanbases send death threats as well as telling me to kill myself

"Guys stop" I heard jenesis say in a serious voice

"People have feelings too" was all I heard as I left to check out

I grabbed my bags and receipt heading out getting looks from several people

I put my groceries away crying on my way home

I put all the groceries up and sat down the my couch crying myself to sleep


It's the day I get to find out the babies gender, I wore a hoodie with sweatpants like usual and drove my way there

I checked in, a few minutes later they called my name, I nervously followed the nurse into a room


"Would you like to know the gender?" She asked

I nodded in response

"It's a baby girl!" He smiled

I smiled "can I hug you?" I asked with tears in my eyes

"Yeah" he smiled hugging me


𝑖 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢// 𝑆.𝐺 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora