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Omega- the lowest of the food chain and the weakest. An omegas job is to be a stay at home mom. This is usually the case but not always

Beta- they're higher than omegas but are still not as strong as alphas.

Alphas- the strongest and most dominate. They're usually the police and hero's but again, now always the case

Rut- Something all alphas go through for a week every month they get super riled up and horny. They get super dominant and defensive. Often picking fights with other alphas

Heat- something all omegas go through once a month for one week. They get really hot and bad cramps. Again, getting super horny. They're extremely submissive and defenseless during this time, often taking anything/anyone they can get

Mark- this is a bite to symbolize that an omega/beta belongs to a alpha/beta. It's on their scent gland and it ties to two together, sort of like marriage.

Scent gland/scents - the scent gland is what gives the omega/beta/alpha their scent and it is located on the side of their neck. Omegas scent is sweet, betas is more neutral, Alphas is usually very musky and earthy.

Slick- a natural lube that only omegas can produce. More is produced during heats and sexy time

Alpha voice- a very deep voice an alpha can use if they're extremely close to an omega. It makes the omega do as they say and to intimidate others. If the omega doesn't do as the alpha says they get sick 

My Light In The Dark (kamishin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ