Battle Plan

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Yuna P.O.V

Yuna:Yup.He used Nurse Joy for her information on Pokemon and gathered up the strongest trainers he could find.He cloned more Pokemon and know what?It's best if I show you.

Yuna held up her hand and a image showed up showing when Mew appeared.


Mew:You shouldn't be behaving like this.

Mewtwo:So you're Mew.There can only be one of us in this world.You must leave.

Mewtwo fired a Shadow Ball at Mew who dodged and tried to reason with him.

Mew:You don't have to do this.You've already escaped capture just stop bothering the ones who wants to stay with humans.


Mewtwo charged at Mew.Mew saw that she was getting nowhere with him and decided to attack.

Mew:Oh forget it.

Mullo who was fighting with her clone kept dodging and the clone was getting tired.

Yuna looked at the scene.It reminded her of what happened at Shamouti Island.

Someone please stop this.

The battle went on a few minutes and when Mewtwo and Mew was about to clash into each other. Yuna mustered all the bravery and power she had and ran in between them.

Yuna: STOP!!!!

The fighting seized and everyone watched as Yuna slowly turn to stone on the floor where she fell after the blow.Mullo and Miyura ran over to Yuna's still body.Clara ran to her too.

Mullo: Wake up.Wake up.Come on Yuna wake up.I don't want to lose you too.Come on Yuna wake up.

Clara:Yuna,wake up please.You promised you'd protect me.Wake up.

The Pokemon and trainers heard what they said and started crying.Mew and Mewtwo tried to hold back their tears but to no avail then there was a golden light.Arecus appeared.

Arecus:I will not have my Chosen One die.I won't allow it.

The golden light shine on Yuna.She began to glow and then she sat up.

Yuna:Hey there Mullo.

Miyura: You're alive.

Clara hugged Yuna.Yuna's pokeballs shook and they hugged her happy to know that she's alive.The trainers looked at Yuna.

Yuna: Don't ask.

The Pokemon, clone and original, cried out in happiness.

Mew:See.Some humans are nice.

Mew floated around happyily to see the one who risked her life for theirs alive.

Mewtwo:A human sacrificed herself to save the Pokemon.I pitted them against each other but not til they settle aside their differences,I see the true power of what they all share deep inside.

Mewtwo looked at Yuna hugging her friends.

Mewtwo:It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.The bond between trainer and Pokemon.

Yuna Mew DoveWhere stories live. Discover now