Semi-Final Round-A blast from the past

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Guys I'm sorry for not updating but I got hit with a huge dose of this illness called Writer's block but I managed to force myself to write this chapter.(Even though it took me what? 5 days? To make it this good)And as this book is almost finished,I will put out a next book.I will put out Ash and Serena instead of Kalos because I don't think that one is ready for public eyes yet.Anyway this chapter might have some mistakes as I didn't proofread.It was already troublesome to force myself to write.

Also please note that this is a VERY short chapter.Enjoy!

The group was now talking about the semi-finals and were guessing the match ups.

Clara: The semi-finals seems like it came too fast.

Ash: Yeah,and the league is almost over.

Forrest: Aww! Don't remind me.

Brock: You aren't even participating.

Marine: Yeah but.....

Forrest: We still get to see......

Marine/Forrest: Cool Battles!!!!

Marine and Forrest froze as the felt a dark aura directed at them.They robotically turned around to see Yuna.

Yuna:*cracks knuckles*You saying my battles ain't cool enough for ya?

Marine:*chuckles nervously*Ha,Ha.No,we actually happy that the league is finishing.

Forrest:*gulps*Yeah none of those battles can compare to yours.

Yuna let them off and suddenly had a smile on her face.

Yuna: Thanks!

Then she went to see the matchups.

Ash leant down to Marine and Forrest.

Ash:*whispers*Nice save.


Clara: What?!

Ritchie: What what?

Clara: I'm fighting you!

Ritchie: Really?

Misty: Yeah,look!

Forrest: Yes finally!

Ritchie: Woah.

Clara: No hard feelings?

Ritchie: No hard feelings.

And they shook on it.

Ritchie: But don't expect me to hold back!

Clara: I wasn't planning on either.


Yuna was very interested in this match.Not only does she get to see her friends battle,she also gets to see how truly strong they have become.

Referee explained the rules and asked the competitors of they were ready,to which he received two determined nods.

Referee: Alright,begin!

Clara/Ritchie: Go Omastar/Topper!

Pokedex: Kabutops.The Shellfish Pokemon.A slim and fast swimmer.It slashes its prey with its sharp scythes and sucks their fluid.

Omastar.The Spiral Pokemon.Once wrapped around its prey,it never lets go.It then tears its prey apart with sharp fangs.

Clara: Seems none of us has the advantage in any way.

Ritchie: Rock Throw,Topper!

Clara: Water Gun!

Omastar used Water Gun and blasted away the rocks.

Clara: Use Rock Wrecker!

A huge boulder built up in front of Omastar before it launched itself at Kabutops.

Ritchie: Use Aqua Jet to dodge!Then attack with Slash!

Kabutops sped over the huge rock and then attempted to Slash at Omastar.

Clara: Harden!

But it was in vain.

Clara: You seriously thought I wouldn't have a way to defend when Omastar couldn't move after using Rock Wrecker?

Ritchie: Hmm.Thunderbolt!

Clara: Harden!

Once again in it in vain.

In The Stands

Yuna frowned. She realized something.Clara was holding back.She promised Ritchie so why?

Back on The Field


Clara: You can move ok now Omastar?Good.Use Whirlpool!

Ritchie:Use Liquidation!

Kabutops used Liquidation and cut the Whirlpool in two.

Clara: Seems we have to switch from long range huh?Muddy Water!

Ritchie: Use Liquidation again!

Using the same tactic, Kabutops cut the Muddy Water in too and then attacked Omastar.But Omastar hadn't taken much damage.

Ritchie:What? That was a criti-Oh.I get it now.

Clara: So I see he's figured out Omastar's ability huh.Then there's no time to waste! Omastar use Earth Power!

In The Stands

Yuna: She's getting serious now that Ritchie found out Omastar's ability? Why?

Back On The Field

Kabutops got hit with the Earth Power but managed to use Iron Defense on Ritchie's command to reduce damage.

Ritchie: She's getting really serious.Gotta step it up!

Clara: Rollout!

Ritchie: Stop its rolling with your scythes!

Using its scythes, Kabutops managed to stop Omastar's Rollout by putting them in between Omastar's spikes on its shell.

Ritchie:*smirks*Now Giga Drain!

Omastar's was losing a lot of energy and both it and Kabutops was glowing green.

Clara: Omastar!Get away with Hydro Pump!

Omastar, using Hydro Pump, managed to put some distance between it and Kabutops,all while dealing damage to it.

Clara: Omastar lost a lot of energy from that Giga Drain. Though that Earth Power did do a lot of damage to Kabutops since it only barely managed to use Iron Defense. Use Brine!

Ritchie:Back to long ranged attacks?Hmm.I can work with that. Rock Slide!

Rocks appeared above Omastar and began to fall down on it.

Clara: Use Whirlpool!Send those back to Kabutops!

Using Whirlpool, Omastar collected all the rocks and hurled those and the Whirlpool at Kabutops.

Ritchie:Try using Liquidation,Toppers!

Kabutops used Liquidation and managed to cut two rocks but the move gave out right after and Kabutops was hit with the full force of the attack.Well minus the two rocks.

The dust cleared revealing a fainted Kabutops.

Ritchie returned Kabutops with a smile.No hard feelings right?

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