Chapter 4

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"V, wake up. It's your first day in school." Mom was caressing my hair.

I stood up and quickly went to the bathroom to prepare. I am a grade two pupil now. I usually get too excited going to school because of my school stuff. Mom bought us- G,K and I Barbie stuffs from the hair clips, bags, school supplies down to our boots. I guess, new stuffs make me hyper at times.

"Come here, dear. Let me dry your hair." Our nanny said while opening the electric fan. She dries out hair with the fan even though we have a dryer. So, I often sing in front of the fan.

"Can you tie my hair, please? I want to look pretty today." I pleaded her with a pout.

"Sure, dear. Let's me just finish drying your looooong curly hair." Its nice that she loves combing my hair. She never gets tired of it.

"V, the driver is here. You'll be late now. Let's go." I hurriedly went downstairs and brought my things and went to the car.

When we arrive in school, I was excited yet nervous. I got my bag and went to my room. The class were loud. I guess they know each other.

"Hello, Good morning! " I shouted for them to look at me. Then shyness hunts me again but I did not want everyone to see that. So, I smiled widely.

"Hi, My name is Tulip. It's nice to meet you." She was the first one to approach me. She even let me seat in her table!
She lead me towards her friends and introduce them to me. I think we'd get along.

The experience is nice. I made friends here in school. Yey! My first grade here would be memorable, I guess.


"Baby, I will transfer you to another school. Is it okay with you?" Mom asked while giving me mallows.

I stared at her wanting her to give me her reason for that.

Mom sighed," I think you need to transfer school 'cause you won't excel their. Look at you. You don't have assignments and classes sometimes. I'll transfer you to a better school. Is that okay?"

I don't want to transfer school for I made lots of friends there. They liked me there. I don't want to leave Tulip and the rest behind.

"Please honey, you will find other friends there. And Khaz and Gyn would attend school there too." I can't say no to her. She is just thinking for my future.

"Okay, mom"

I am on my third grade in elementary now. I got transfer to another school far from home. But, nanny would always stay in school to feed us on lunch and on break time.

"Hi, I am Roan. What's your name?" She has curly hair too. But it's black mine's blonde.

"I am Vian." I smiled at her and finds a seat for me.

"You want to seat beside me?"

I looked at her and find her seat next to an empty one. I smiled at her and nod.
I spend time talking to her. Her friends arrived and she introduced me to them. How I wish I would not transfer to another school again it's hard to adjust.

I takes me a month to be comfortable with my new classmates but Tulip is nicer and I miss her.

"Vian, you want to join us in the canteen to have snacks?"

"Yeah, sure. I will bring my snack there. Nanny made me sandwich with strawberry jam and peanut butter. Want some?" I bring snacks and lunch with me so I could save money.

"What? No thanks. Let's just go."

We went to the canteen and find a table empty. I went there and starts eating my food while waiting for them.

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