Chapter 6

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After two days of thinking, I decided to get myself treated. I went to my grandparents and told her I am willing to go to the hospital. They were happy to hear my decision. They even have me tight hugs and telling me that they were so proud of me.

We went to Mom who is cooking in the kitchen to let her know the good news.

"Mom, I will go there." I said, giving her my sweetest smile which made her dropped the paddle and gave me her tighest hug.

"Oh, dear. Thank you so much. You really are a brave and good girl." Mom said as she showers me kisses on my face.

I just decided to get myself treated because I do not want Mommy to cry. I've seen her silently crying beside me when I am sleeping in my room.
We had our breakfast and they were discussing about which hospital to go and on who would be my doctor.

"We'll go to the hospital tomorrow, baby. Is it okay with you?" Mom said as she was putting food on my plate.
"Okay, but can you promise me one thing?" I asked which made her stop and smiled at me.

"Sure baby, what is it?"

"You'll stay by my side. And buy me a strawberry shake after the session." I said making my eyes twinkle. It made them laugh and continued eating.

"Are you ready, Vian?" Mom asked as we enter the hospital. I smiled nervously and nodded.

"Good morning, Mrs. Sayd. Have a seat."

Mom smiled at the doctor. They are acquainted with each other. Mom answered all her questions. I was just listening to their conversation for I do not know what they were talking.

"I have two papers and a pen here. I want you to draw a girl on the first piece of paper and a boy on the second one." She handed it to me and looked at me smiling. I gave her a smile and accepted the paper.

"Mom, I do not know how to draw. Can I draw a stick man or something?" I asked mom and she just agreed to me.

I had to draw a girl with a curly hair on it then draw a shirt with the word fab and a skirt.  For the boy I made his hair bald with a glasses on,  a plain shirt and a blue pants. When I had finished my artwork I gave the doctor a shy smile then handed her the papers.

"It's beautiful. Why did you wrote fab in her shirt, darling?" She asked as she pointed my drawing.

I was bored there answering all her questions. I am tired already but we need to run some tests before we can go home. After the session, I was given tablets for medication.

"Mrs. Sayd, she has an absence seizure. As what you've said earlier, she stares blankly into space and return her consciousness . However, lose of consciousness even for a short period of time can make it dangerous. I advice her to take the medicine regularly and run a EEG test tomorrow. Let her stay awake tonight to perform the test well. Here, are the medicine. You can pay it in the cashier's office. Thank you." She smiled at me and gave me a lollipop as her treat.

"Thank you, Doctor Ae." Mom said as we stood up. We left the room and went to the cashier's office to pay for my medicine and the consultation.

"Mom, don't forget the strawberry shake! Please add spaghetti too." I said as we got out of the hospital. She smiled at me and we ordered strawberry shake and pasta on the restaurant beside the hospital.

"Slowly, baby. We are going to the hospital again tomorrow. Is it okay with you?" I stared at my mother while she was wiping my mouth then I just nodded at her. I do not want to make her upset ever again.

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