Chapter 2

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It's early in the morning when I get up on my bed. I stood up and do my morning routine before I went downstairs. I spotted my mom cooking for breakfast.

"Good morning mom, aren't you late for work?" My mom usually go to work early. Like six o'clock in the morning for it takes an hour from home to her workplace. She doesn't want to be stuck in the traffic.

"Naah, I won't go to work today. J's sick" mom said while handing me a cup of coffee and a bread.

"I'll be coming home late, Mom. Groupwork"

"No need of saying that. I know you won't be late."

Mom knows me very well. When I say I'll be late it means I will come home before 6 or 7:00 unlike my siblings who would come home super late. Imagine coming home in the middle of the night.

"Morning" G said while entering the kitchen.

"Morning darling" mom said before leaving us to wake K and J up.

"V, can you drop me off to school?" Gyn really is my closest sibling. I share my thoughts to her but not all for she has a big mouth.

"Yeah sure. Hurry up we'll leave after 15 minutes."


I dropped her in the main gate of her School before goin' to the University. Yes, I have a car. Mom gave it as a birthday gift when I was 18. I drove fast to reach the University before the traffic starts.

"VIAN" here goes my friend Jel Stark. She's one of my circle of friend. She run towards me to hug me as if we we're apart for years even if we see each other everyday.

"Will you stop shouting? "

I really hate people who are so loud and clingy yet I have one friend whose like that. How ironic, right?

"Let's go to the cafeteria they are waiting for us"

So we went to cafeteria to meet our friends. We usually come here before and after class. I likes to eat but I am picky.

"Here you go. Coke and cinnamon roll for Vian and yogurt for Jel" What a greeting right? I took the snack for me and put the cola in the glass then dip the bread.

"Here come s the weirdo" I overheard what my classmate in Physical Education said. I don't know her name and I know she's referring to me. She always does that as if she is curious and interested with my life.

"Do you want us to pull her hair off?" Hanj Reyn said while pointing to the girl with irritation.

"Naah! Let's just go."

I don't like fights. But, if you'd ask me, I would be participating if I am attacked physically. I am strong but I am weak sometimes. I don't understand me either.

So we parted our ways to go to our class. I am a second year Elementary Education student. I do not know why I am in this course but I had learn to love it. Hanj, Max , Jel and I are friends since high school but we aren't classmates now. I am alone here in my class. Apparently, I do not have a close friend in my block.

" Hey Sayd, can I borrow your Notes for awhile?" My classmate Vara asked before I can sit down on my chair.

"Yeah sure , I hope you'd understand my writing"

As far as I know, only you could actually understand your notes especially when you have techniques on jotting notes. I have a nice penmanship but you can't totally understand what I had written it's totally a mess for anyone who would read it.

"I can just ask you if I can't understand some of it."

I didn't dare to continue our conversation. Instead, I grab my phone while waiting for the Professor to come. I am fond of watching videos in YouTube and reading online books on my phone.

"Good Morning, I would like all of you to answer the file I mailed to all of you and pass it before midnight. I will be leaving now for I have a meeting to attend to." I was surfing the net when I heard the Professor said that. I immediately downloaded the file to start answering it. It is better this way instead of attending two hours of lecture.

"Thanks, Vian." Vara handed me my notes. I stopped answering the activity to get my notes out of her hand.

"You're always welcome. And by the way, where would we go later for the groupwork?"

Vara stared at me thinking where to go later.

"Library. Let's just do the work there ."
She said before leaving me.

After a few minutes, I finished the activity and sent it immediately to my Professor. And went to my groupmates.

They saw me approaching so, they immediately stood up.

"Let's go?" Vara said while picking up her things.

"Yeah sure so that we can finish asap."

We leave our room and walk to our way to the library. We are five in the group. They were talking and laughing with each other but I just let them be and stayed silent behind them.

When we arrived in the library, they had picked a table for us, then we immediately start our paperworks.

"Who would present this to the class?"

"Let Sam do the work. She is good in talking haha". Vara really is good at double-meaning jokes.

"Okay then. It's settled. I will bring this with me for the final touch and send it to you Sam. Vara, you and Claine should be in charge of sending our work to the professor and to mail the file to our classmates. Is it alright?" This is my first time leading a group. So, I need to be critical in making it perfect.

"Yeah, sure. What about her?" Claine asked while pointing to my groupmate Kyte.

"I am in charge with the PowerPoint presentation, duh"

"I think we're done here. Good night, girls." I said that while looking into my watch. It's already 6:30. I need to go home.


When I arrived home, the lights our out.
I opened the gate and found Summer, our dog waiting for someone to arrive.

"Hey lil fella, why are you outside?" I patted her head and carry her to our living room.

It's so nice to be alone yet darkness hunts me to death. I went to turn on the lights and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I sighed and went to my bedroom bed and lied down.

" Hey, bitch are you spacing out again?"

"What are you doing?"

"I think she's out of her mind"

"Is she possessed? She's creepy"

" I did I even make her my friend. Ew"

Oh no, I am doing it again. What am I like this?

I found myself circling inside our room while the lecture was going on.

"Ms. Sayd, am I a joke to you? If you think this class is boring, GO OUT!" My teacher is angry at me. I do not know why. I looked into my classmates and found them laughing and some were confused.

Because of shame I went to my seat and looked down.

"I said, OUT! You really makes my blood boil."

"I am sorry ma'am" then I left the room.

I opened my eyes and wipe my tears. I was dreaming again.

"How I wish my life isn't this exhausting."

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