Chapter 9

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  I was still reeling the following days after Bumblebee's confession, unsure of what to do because of the obvious differences between us. I mean, if I were honest with myself, I loved Bee. It was one of the reasons I left with him, but I thought those feelings were one-sided- especially since Bee was a giant alien robot.

  Sure, he had free will and was self-aware, but the depth of what he could feel was apparently vast enough that he could feel love. Even if it was toward a human half his size.

  How would a relationship like that even work?

  "~Never know how much I love you, never know how much I care. When you put your arms around me, I get a fever that's so hard to bear.~" Music came from the garage next to my room, and my face turned bright red as I recognized the song. "~You give me fever when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight. Fever! In the morning, fever all through the night.~" We'd made it to the location Optimus Prime had set up for the Autobots to regroup and have a safe place to stay earlier that day, but ever since Bee had confessed to me, he'd been trying to get an answer out of me that I just refused to give due to my own uncertainty.

  Now it seemed like he was using another tactic.

  "~Sun lights up the daytime, moon lights up the night. I light up when you call my name, and you know I'm gonna treat you right.~" From the sound of it, Bee was sitting just outside the door. "~You give me fever when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight. Fever! In the morning, fever all through the night. Everybody's got the fever, that is something you all know. Fever isn't such a new thing, fever started long ago.~" I wondered if Bee even knew what that song meant, but hearing it come from him made me wonder yet another thing.

  How would sex work between us?

  Bee was a robot, but did he actually have....genitals? I mean, Autobots weren't built by people, they were essentially living things that had evolved from my understanding of things. They had something called a Spark that was the equivalent to their heart, so did they reproduce like humans do or did they gather parts and build their children? If they built their children, where in the Hell did they even come from to begin with?

  Oh, boy, now I was overthinking it all. Burying my burning face into my hands, I sighed with frustration. It seemed mean to me to make Bee wait so long for an acceptance or denial, but I was so torn between saying no to save us from pain or saying yes to actually see where these feelings would take us.

  Getting up from where I sat, I went to the door and opened it. Bee was laying on the ground on the other side, propping his head up with his hands folded under his chin. His face looked adorable as he looked at me, but this powerful man's voice came from his radio.

  "~I ain't lyin', I love you. I love you, I love you anyhow! I don't care if you don't want me, I'm yours right now! I put a spell on you....because you're mine!~"

  'Bee, what are you doing?'

  "~When marimba rhythms start to play dance with me, make me sway. Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore, hold me close, sway me more. Like a flower bending in the breeze bend with me, sway with ease.~" Bumblebee wiggled the metal plates that would be his eyebrows at me. "~When we dance you have a way with me, stay with me, sway with me. Other dancers may be on the floor, Dear, but my eyes will see only you. Only you have that magic technique, when we sway I go weak!~" Bee grabbed my hand and pulled me into the large garage. "~I can hear the sound of violins long before it begins. Make me thrill as only you know how, sway me smooth, sway me now.~"

  It was wild to me how not too long ago Bee hardly knew a thing about human music, but here he was, blaring Dean Martin while trying to- in the most basic way I could phrase it- seduce me. Bumblebee was like a bird singing and dancing with me, and I was stuck between finding it adorable and rather....attractive. Was something wrong with me to find the robot attractive?

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