Chapter 2

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  As soon as I woke up, I raced to Charlie's room and threw open her door. Taking in a deep breath, I went over to her bed and flopped right down on her. She groaned and tried pushing me off, but I was just laughing and rolling all over her until she managed to get up.

  "Morning, Alex." She smiled, and the first thing I signed to her was Happy Birthday. My little sister was finally 18, and it made me feel kind of old seeing as she was an adult now. Of course, I wasn't that much older than her, but still, my baby sister was an adult. Not a full-fledged adult, of course, she was but a sprout of a grown-up.

  Dragging her out of bed, I didn't mention her major bedhead as I took her into the kitchen. I was going to make her breakfast since Mom had to leave for work soon, and we paused when we saw Mom and Ron.

  "Good morning, birthday girl!"


  "You look....nice." Ron made a face, seeing Charlie's tired eyes and wild hair along with her displeased expression. She really didn't want to see Mom helping Ron with his tie first thing in the morning.

  "Happy Birthday, baby. I love you." Mom came over and kissed Charlie's cheek. "Come on, open your present. I'm gonna be late for work."

  "Thanks, Mom." Charlie smiled while going to the shiny bag with pink tissue paper sticking out of it. I covered my mouth to hide my expression when she pulled out her gift. It....It was hideous, and I knew Charlie thought the same thing as she forced a smile while holding the lavender helmet covered in flowers. "Helmet? With daffodils...."

  "So I keep hearing about people on mopeds getting run over and their brain smashed in. You gotta wear this from now on." Mom stated and, dear lord, I needed to fix that beetle. "I don't care if it's not the law. It's our law. Plus, look how cute it is."


  "Happy Birthday."

  "I actually got a little gift to you, Charlie." Ron pulled something from behind his back and handed it to my sister. "I-I mean, it's small, but it's from my heart." The look in Charlie's eyes said everything as she took the book titled 'Smile for a change'. "A smile is a powerful thing. It releases endorphins. It sends to the world 'I'm fun and approachable'. You know, there is a whole chapter in here about how people who smile more often actually have more friends."

  "It's unbelievable" Charlie was clearly saying that with sarcasm, but they didn't really catch it.

  "I really think it's gonna change your whole life if you give a smile more often." Ron grinned, and I wanted to throw the book away right then and there.


  I had grease and dirt all over my hands and even face by the evening, and I had already talked to Hank that morning about taking the beetle after I had finished with it. I didn't know what Charlie was up to, but, boy, would she be surprised when I got home.

  Sighing as I sat in the front seat of the beetle, I hesitated as my hand hovered over the key in the ignition. Shaking my head, I just turned the key and laughed when the car actually started. Driving out, I waved to Hank and his best friend as they waved back with faces of uncertainty. I knew they worried, but I had faith in my work. The car would at least make it home.

  Sneaking the yellow vehicle into the garage, it was already getting late and the sun was dropping low on the horizon. Parking the car, I closed the garage and turned to look at the car again. Now Charlie would actually have a car to get around in until we finished up the corvette. Once that one was up and running, Charlie could either sell the beetle or give it away.

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