Chapter 6

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  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Memo questioned.

  "It's a terrible idea, but I gotta try it." Charlie answered while cutting the fence.

  "Wait, no! That stuff- How did you know the power was off?"

  "I didn't. Let's go." Power? Was this....Was this an electric fence?! Charlie pushed her way through the hole in the fence, and I briefly paused to take a deep breath before following Memo through the hole. Wandering around, we heard loud, metallic clanging and went toward the sound. Peeking through a window on a door, we could see two massive robots- even bigger than Bumblebee- kicking the shit out of him.

  I went to shove the door open, but Charlie grabbed my hand to stop me. I made a face at her, signing that we needed to help Bee.

  "We need a better plan than barging in there, Alex. Those things are huge, and we are soft and small." She shifted on her feet while turning back to the window. "If we're not careful, they could just step on us." Charlie explained, and the blue robot kicked Bumblebee in the chest, causing a spark and a hologram to pop up.

  "We will fight on, regroup, rebuild, and retake our home. But we must find refuge first. You will travel to Earth. Once we've gathered the others, we will join you. You must protect the planet. If the Decepticons find it, then our people are truly finished. Stay safe, soldier. I am coming."

  "Prime is coming here?"

  "They're all coming here." The red robot sounded more feminine as they spoke and looked at the blue one. "This is our chance to wipe out the Autobot resistance for good."

  "We'll burn the whole planet to cinders."

  "We must get word to Cybertron immediately. Tell them to bring an army. And thanks to our human allies....I know just how to get the message home." The red one raised her arm, tapping a plate before it slid back and a hologram of a satellite appeared. "Thank you for your hospitality, friend Powell. He's all yours."

  The blue one moved, raising his arm as it changed shape and turned into what looked more like a canon. He fired at the human standing to the side, and he exploded like a water balloon full of slime.

  "I found a tower to transmit our message. It's close. Oh, B-127, I almost forgot."

  "I didn't." The blue one aimed the canon arm at Bumblebee and fired. I covered my mouth and felt tears prick at my eyes as Bee went limp on the ground. The red and blue robot turned into cars before leaving the large garage and going down the lane only to change into aircrafts and fly off.

  "Alex!" Charlie yelled after me as I ran and took the stairs two at a time to get to Bumblebee. "Bee!" She then called as I was frantically looking around for something, anything, that could help. "Hey, Bee, talk to me! Talk to me."

  Memo closed the garage door, and Charlie became more frantic.

  "I can fix this. I can fix this." She cried.

  "Charlie, I think-"

  "You gotta wake up, Bee! You gotta wake up! Please!"

  "Charlie, we gotta go." Memo tried to pull Charlie off of Bumblebee, and I spotted familiar guns in a rack. I snatched one up and waved to Memo to get Charlie to back up. "The electric gun? ....The electric gun!" Charlie's face showed she knew what I was going to try.

  Aiming the gun at Bee, I fired, sending electricity visibly coursing through the robot. He stayed down, and I grabbed another gun to try again. I was silently crying but mentally frantic, begging for Bee to wake up. He may be made of metal and wires, and I may be a mechanic, but there was only so much I could do for his alien tech. Something this bad- there was no way I could repair it, especially not in this garage.

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