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(A/n: Just a quick note I wanted to toss in the begin, I really appreciate any support or feedback I get on this story. Albeit it's not much, I'm still thankful that someone's bothered to read through. Anyway, that's enough and I shan't bore you with my cliche speech. On with the story!)

At last, it was spring and all the snow that had once covered the ground began to melt away and leave room for patches of green grass to flourish. Tord and I had bought the little bakery on street, but our renovations were not quite complete. All that was left was to paint the walls and add a few finishing touches sprinkled here and there. I stood in the middle of the foyer fiddling with the spongy cylinder. It was a pain trying to get it properly on the paint roller without slipping. I had a triumphant smile once I had succeeded and began to lather the paint generously onto the roller. Tord has snatched up a paintbrush to take care of the corners where it'd be harder to paint.

"Don't our to much on that, it it'll drip." The Norwegian warned with a warm chuckle to pair. He came up behind my, wrapping his hands over mine to show me the motions you did while painting. A mischievous grin crept up to his lips as Tord dipped his finger into the F/c paint.
"Hey Y/n, look at me~" He cooed. I tilted my head to the side with a hum, only to have a color filled liquid smudged down the bridge of my nose.
"H-hey!" I brandished my paint roller, threatening to whack the cheeky brunette with it. So began to game of chase where I oh so desperately tried to get at least a drop of paint on his clothes for payback. However Tord was too swift, constantly taunting me by slowing down or hovering around in one place for a moment. Finally I had him cornered, but I should've noticed the smirk against his face as approached. In one swift move he'd gotten a hold of my wrist, twisting it, consequently making me drop the roller on the ground.
"Gotcha~" He purred, causing my heart to skip a beat. I took notice of how close his body was to mine, not to mention our faces were only inches apart. I could feel his warm, feathery breath tickle to the tip of my nose. My muscles were tense under Tord's gaze, but soon began to relax when our states locked. His smirk only gre when he saw the crimson blush dusting my cheeks. The Norwegian leaned in, leaving a few meager millimeters of air between our lips. The kiss was cut short, due to someone stumbling in through the door without warning. I jolted back, pushing Tord to create a gap between us. The lady that had wandered in seemed unphased by our actions, smiling warmly. She was an older, frail woman, cradling a woven basket of goodies. Her getting hair had been hidden from sight by a warm winter hat and the rest of her figure cloaked in a hearty, tan coat. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary to be dressed in such a manner. Today was predicted to be more frigid than the previous warm filled days that we were graced with prior.

"I know I'm a little late, but I just wanted to welcome our newest neighbors." She spoke kindly, holding out the basket for us to take, "I see the bakery is almost restored?"

I smiled softly one return, nervously stepping up and taking the basket from her hands gratefully.
"Yep, after we pain we can finally start baking."
Tord cane to my side, using my shoulder as his armrest. I shot him a faintly annoyed glance, but he remained grinning like a dumbass.

"You two are a lovely couple, are you married?" She queered our of the blue, all the whole a bright pink blush returned to my face. I hadn't thought about marriage until then, an even Tord had seemed a little flustered by the inquiry. Despite his stunned expression, he briskly replied with a,
"Not yet, planning on it."
I was taken aback, my jaw nearly dropping in regards to Tord's cheeky retort. It took all my will power not to appear the least bit phased. The lady had a bubbly laugh as she spoke,
"That's lovely! This village needed a bit more life to it." With that she left with my hanks for the treats she had brought us. Once alone I turned on my heel to face the horned brunette, who appeared deep in thought, pondering about something.

"What was that?" I prodded him for answers, to which he responded feigned oblivion,

"What was what?"

"You know what I mean!" I let a groan slip as I grew frustrated, "What told told the lady, is it true??"

"Who knows~" Tord teased in a sing-song tone of voice before beginning to paint the walls. My mind didn't leave the idea for the rest of the day, keeping me in a muddled state of thought. I kept conjuring up "what-ifs" in my head while costing the walls in F/c paint.

I froze momentarily, blurting out loud enough for the male across the room to hear, "What if we had a child?"

"What?!" Even Tord hadn't expected that phrase to leave my lips.

"I-I-wait-" i stammered, "I-i was only thinking!"

Tord took advantage of my predicament, ambling over and calmly and resting his hands on my hips. I could feel my heart rapping against the walls of my chest when he spoke,

"I wouldn't mind.~" He cooed in a lowly voice, his Norwegian accent only become more vivid and enhanced. My breath hitched,

"P-pervert!" I yelped, thrusting him away from me. Tord chuckled,

"Hey, it wasn't me that suggested it." He was clearly amused with my priceless reaction while he defended himself.

"I-urgh!" Huffing and aggravates over loosing the argument, I resumed paint the walls, wanting to get the labor done and over with. It took another couple hours, but the walls were finally covered in the F/c color I was so fond of. For once I felt accomplished and capable of something other than moping. The my mind began to drift, recalling that my parents were still alive, and had likely received an official letter stating my missing in action. A feeling of guilt settled in my stomach as I sat down on a chair, covered in dapples of paint. They were probably grieving heavily due to me being their only kin and only daughter. Yet, here I was, still alive and breathing. I hadn't gone MIA.

I'd gone AWOL.

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