Home Far From Home

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Boot camp was one hell of a time.

Never had i thought one drill sergeant could shout for periods as long as an entire day, and then do it for six months straight. 
"This is the Army," The sergeant would shout in a shrill commanding tone every time he saw us on the verge of giving up, "So you better pick up that girly ass of yours and keep at it!!" 
In the beginning i took offense, since well, i am a girl. However as days turned to weeks, i grew used to it. Surprisingly, i made quite a few comrades in boot camp. Probably since we were constantly put in teams and expected to act as one being. Being honest, i never had experienced such equality before, especially with my previous loner standpoint in high school. Yet, as the saying goes, 'nothing lasts forever.'  Now i'm stuck at an outpost closer to the edge of the front lines. Well at least i can't say it's that bad, though the other immature guys like to make suggestive comments now and then. They each of course get their deserved kick in the shin or whack on the back of the head. There is one guy that I've gotten pretty close to though, his name is Rune Hansen. Odd fellow he is. i still can't decipher him but we get along just fine. i'm even proud to call him my comrade.

I slapped closed my diary and tucked the pen clip snug into the binding. I then set aside my little personal book and grabbed the other resting beneath my bunk called 'The Chronicles of Narnia.' It's a classic, so of course it's a good read. It's my way of escaping a reality filled with war and death. I'm fascinated by how the author of the book had such a vivid imagination. To create an entirely different reality within one's mind. Especially a reality that makes sense. My eyes drift away from the words typed on the page and rather sink into my thoughts. Sadly, i'm torn away rather rudely by someone's voice repeatedly calling my name. I drop the book down so it's no longer poised above my face and it's sitting propped up on my chest. A man with reddish hair and greenish-blue eyes stared down at me from upside down. His head was poked from beyond the bunk just above me.

"what is it?" I adopt an expression of disinterest as the rather chipper man replies,

"I think we're going on a patrol the day after tomorrow, another night shift." He states.

"aaand why are you telling me this?" I force back the annoyance in my voice. The red head puts on a dumb grin,

"So you won't forget anything like last time."

The corner of my lips quirked up into a grin as i recalled the patrol two days ago. I had forgotten to bring along a flash light since it was getting dark, me and him are usually assigned night patrols, and ended up falling into a pit fall trap. I was lucky to get my leg caught on a branch and not be skewered on the spikes instead. Rune won't ever stop reminding me or teasing me about my dumb little mistake. However...had i really fallen in completely that would be mission complete, right? I closed the fantasy book with a loud, obnoxious clap that turned the attention of other dorm mates attention to me. I gave a nervous grin and sat up before slipping off the stone slab like bunk. I could have slept on the floor with only a blanket and it would have been the same experience. 

"Where are ya headin'?" The male by the name of Rune leaned from his bunk as i began to walk towards the exit,

"Just on a stroll." I said as i glanced over my shoulder. I stepped outside into the cold norway air, (I'm stationed in Norway because that's where the fighting is going on) with only a short sleeve white shirt and black camouflage pants. The frigid breeze weaved between the strands of my L/S, H/C hair. As i walked i sank into my train of thought. It was strange how i haven't really seen combat through the few weeks I've been here. The day was beginning to wane and the temperature only getting increasingly lower. By now, in the light of the setting sun, i could see my breath coming from my lips in misty puffs. Supper should be in the mess hall soon but i should be fine out here a while longer. I hugged myself for warmth and walked along the interior of the barbwire topped fence. With each step i took the cold grass under my boots crunch from the frost beginning to form. It was quiet. Almost too quiet for my liking. I halted a moment i glanced around, staring off into the endless darkness of the forest enclosing our little seal away from the rest of humanity. Of course this was done with the soldier's stationed here safety in mind. A couple hundred miles away from the action was far enough for our commander's liking. And so i stared into the night, noticing a silhouette of something darting around in the bushes. I stepped forward and narrowed my eyes to try focus in on the object or being at the edge of the woods. It was too big to be a wolf, yet too small to be a bear.

"Who goes there?!" I hollered in a demanding tone. The shadow leapt from the shrubbery causing me to yelp and draw my handgun. It was just a dear that got frightened by the noise i'd made. A rough sigh escaped my lips as i holstered the M9  and loosened my tense shoulders a little. The paranoia of war was getting to me. I retreated from the fence and headed down to the dimly lit mess hall for a bite of something, maybe some MREs to eat. I wandered inside and breathed in the smell of something cooking in the mess kitchen. This was different so i tried to remember what day it was today. Friday. Of course, on fridays was when the cooks served soups of different varieties. I grabbed a bowl of F/S (favorite soup) and settle in on a bench alone with only my thoughts keeping me company. The night drifted on lazily, nothing much occurring for the rest of that day.

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