Night to Remember

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The night went on calmly as the music band in the corner of the tavern played a country tune. All my life had i never felt such bliss as i had with Tord by my side. His cocky smirk always made my heart skip a beat or two and left me bedazzled. The norwegian looked to me and grin before rising from his seat and stepping towards an open area where other people danced to the rhythm of the music. He was turned towards me, hand outstretched for me to take. A moment of puzzlement befell my thoughts till i understood what he meant.

"Care to dance?" Tord nudged his hand a little closer, urging me to take it. I couldn't resist and placed my hand in his. The brunette twirled me right into his arms swaying side to side with the music. I let myself rest my head against his chest while we rock back and fro. Then he grew a little creative and as the pace of the music picked up, i was resting my back against his arm as he bowed. That charming smile pulled my breath away right from my lungs. Tord then pulled me back up to me feet to which i let out a giggle of pure joy. He lifted my arm and twirled me about, all the while laughing and brandishing his gleaming smile. I lost my balance and staggered away a few feet from the horned brunette, but i couldn't help but laugh at my fumble. However the light air was shot down quickly when i was roughly twisted to face a gruff, over weight man. His gaze made me ill at ease as i tried to back track from him. He only stepped closer, his stare growing creepier as it became clear he was checking me out.

"Hey little lady, i could give you so much more than that twig fella of yours." The man spoke in a husky voice. A nauseating feeling sprouted in my stomach as i began to quicken my pace.

"I'm not interested-" I was cut off as a firm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me behind them. Tord became the wall between myself and the stranger who, in my eyes, picked the wrong girl to prey on.

"I suggest you fuck off." Tord spoke, his voice firm and assertive. The tension in the air rose to where the band slowed to a stop and the couples stopped dancing. Everyone's eyes were on us, expecting the worst to break out between the two men. It seemed almost as though someone had pressed the pause button and time itself had frozen.

"Why should i listen to a little c*nt like you, huh??" The gruff man spoke, adding a little sass to his voice, "I could easily knock you out."

"Oh really?" The norwegian challenged, his expression remaining threatening. Then he began to roll up his sleeves. I tried to halt his actions to no avail. There was no way to reason with an overprotective, cocky norwegian. The stranger got the point and hands up in a boxer like stance. In a second, Tord was giving the perverted man a well deserved uppercut. The man grabbed jaw and screamed like a women when the tip of his tongue was severed. Blood spilt from his mouth incessantly before it dripped between his fingers and splattered on the floor. Some people gasped in horror and a few men broke in between them, trying to separate the tussle. Tord backed out with only a busted lip while the gruff man was cringing on the hardwood floor. The norwegian was victorious and took me by the arm proceeding to drag me out of the tavern. i stared up at him in a mix of awe and horror seeing that he still hadn't fully simmered down. He was mumbling a few norwegian curse words under his breath. We were walking at a brisk pace through the cold, in the dark. The stars splattered the inky black sky above us like glowing white paint. The only sound between us were our feet crunching against the newly fallen snow. i tugged on his arm to slow down as i began to have a hard time keeping up with his lengthy strides.

"T-Tord!" i shouted his name at last to pull his focus off his thoughts. Tord stopped and stared at me. His eyes were clouded with a certain anger, not directed towards me. The brunette's vision cleared of any irritation and peered upon me with worry now.

"S-sorry." Tord stammered and released his grip on my wrist. I shake my head and step forth, lifting my hand to gently brush a few strands of hair from his stormy grey eyes.

"It's fine," A playful grin emerged on my lips, "I didn't know you were the jealous, protective type~" I cooed and the norwegian appeared flustered at my little comment.

"Am not! i just-" He started to speak but struggled to formulate a proper retort. A giggle radiated from me,

"Just what?" I prodded further for answers, taking the slightest steps forward to narrow the space between us. There was an incoherent mumble that came from him in response. I didn't catch it so i queered again,

"what was that?" 

Tord cupped my face with his hands as finally the words left his lips in an audible manner, there was a deep meaning in his words and i could see the passion in the man's eyes as he spoke.

"I want you to be mine, and only mine. I'd hate for you to get hurt." It was now my time to blush. The heat rose to my cheeks, turning my face to a light shade of scarlet. My lips were lightly parted as though someone had taken my voice from my throat. Slowly, Tord's face drew nearer to mine. The thin sheet of air between our lips were removed when he placed his on mine. I fell into the kiss, lifting my arms to wrap around his neck while his hands slid down to my sides. After what felt like mere seconds, we parted and Tord regained his iconic smirk.

"You're too cute when you're flustered."

"Shut up and kiss me." I said before i planted my lips on his to shut the Norwegian up.

What a night to remember.

(A/N: ohhh my. It's been a long time since i last updated, huh? Yeah my deepest apology for that. It was a mix of procrastination and psychological issues that threw me off track, but i'm back! Worry not, i have an ending, though an unexpected one, planned for this story so there's no way i'm going to end it here. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.)

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