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Tord's POV

I trudged through the forest with an ink black sky hanging above me. Though miles away from the site, my thoughts still clung to the events prior to my escape from my little campsite. The situation left me exasperated the more I pondered it. I was so stuck in my head that the last thing I paid any mind to was the unmapped trail ahead of me. I had tried to suppress my thoughts of the ordeal by focusing on the smoke from my cigarette wafting into the air. All this time my father had been searching for my soulmate, they had been in the most unexpected place. To think that they were supposed to be my enemy?  He wouldn't falter once if it came to her slaughter. I heaved a rough sigh and kicked at the ground angrily. I couldn't believe it, but then again- a slight smirk came to my lips. She was quite stunning for a lady that has joined the army. I shook my head lightly, feel the warmth rise to my cheeks. Finally I focused my gaze on the path ahead and with the glow of a military base in the distance, I knew I'd be there in half an hour if I kept at my pace. A scowl settles on my face again. I knew my father wouldn't be pleased having lost yet another outpost to the R.H.C, but knowing I was there and failed to safe guard the area. Needless to say I know he'll be utterly disappointed in me, and god knows what he'll say this time.


I walked the halls of the base towards the Red Leader's, my father's, office. Along the way soldier greeted me politely, become meek in my presence. My authority wasn't questioned since I was the son of Red himself. This boosted my ego quite a bit until I stood in front of the heavy wooden doors leading into the Red Leader's office. I knocked firmly and upon hearing a firm "come in," from behind the door. I drew in a sharp breath, wearing a monotone expression as I pushed open the door. My father's eyes lifted from the work on his desk, a look of disdain within them. He was a lanky man with grey hair that spiked up much like mine. I knew that his time in office would soon be up and I, his son, would take charge. However the "unsatisfactory" work I provided didn't satisfy him enough to give up the leather chair just yet.
"Tord Larson." He stated, calmly but a sharp tone to it. I could just hear his disgust with my recent failure. I grit my teeth and stood strong. The last thing I cared about was my dissatisfied father's words. After all, I knew well I could surpass him, and I'm sure he knew that too.
"Yes sir?" I replied curtly. The man rose from his chair, taking up a paper and thrusting it to my face. It was a telegram of what had occurred to the red outpost just miles away from this base.

"What is this?" My father demanded an answer.

"Father, they took us by surpri-" I began to explain myself but was rudely ended,

"I am very disappointed in you son. I expected better from the future Red Leader yet here I am lecturing an 18 year old."
My monotonous expression didn't falter as I kept my gaze elsewhere expect for my father. Shameful was I, but too prideful to admit my mistake. The red leader clicked his tongue and waved me off,
"Go to your quarters. We'll discuss what you'll do to redeem yourself tomorrow."

"Yes sir." My tone came across as dreadful before I left the office with a slow gait. I was only fearful of one thing, and one hung only.

I can't let him know about her.

Y/n's POV

I sat outside tonight, overviewing everything within the safety of my mind. I hand my fingers to my lips as I pondered. Rune was gone, and I could feel that gaping hole within me, but something had begun to fill it already. A wanting, a need to know more about this soulmate of mine. Yes, he was Red's son, but that hardly drew enough information for me to decipher Tord's personality. I began to bite my nails from becoming so nerve wrecked. I then sank to the ground, allowing my head to fall into my upturned palms. I came to the battlefield to die, not fall in love. Yet here I was, struggling with this one emotion I swore I'd never truly experience. I pried my face away from my hands to stare up at the sky, cursing the wicked fate itself. Why must it make things so difficult for me?
He crunching of gravel brought me from my thoughts as I turned to see The silhouette of Jackal against the warm glow of a lantern behind him.
"You doing alright?" He asked quizzically, knowing I'd lost a close friend, but oblivious to my other issue. I shrugged, turning my head back to the star spotted sky.
"I've been better, but war is war." I bit my lower lip. The emotions swelling within me pressed against me from inside, begging to be let out in the form of tears. My statement sounded heartless, I hated it, but the last thing is show my soft side to just anyone. Jackal stood quietly for a moment, as if in thought, before asking out of the blue,

"Wanna play cards with me and the boys? Another player is always welcome." He suggested. I didn't appreciate his attempt to cheer me from my sorrow, but he didn't understand the depth of the situation so I shook my head,

"Nah..I want some time alone."

He cocked his head to the side and let out a half laugh,
"What do you mean? You're always alone, unless you were with Rune-"

My eyes snapped wide as I shot up, aggression spiking in my veins.
"That was rather rude of you." I snapped, staring the man down even while he was taller. He lifted up his hands in defense,

"Jeez, i was just saying-"

I jabbed my finger into his chest,
"You know, you're fucking lucky you haven't lost any of your friends." I hissed and turned on my heel before storming away. I huffed curses under my breath as I hid away in the barracks for the rest of that night.

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