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as they woke up, layla a little tired, they smiled. in eight days, they'd be graduating the school they know - and somewhat love.

"matt, can you believe we made it through four whole years of continuous homework, endless quizzes, tons of finals - just to go on to something just like that but harder?"

"no, it's weird to think we have to go to school for additional years just to prove we're smart enough to work there or anywhere! it's unruly to be honest,"

"and i can't believe that in eight days time, you and i will be able to say we made it through hell and back; and if we apply for college, we'll have to deal with even more years of constant homework, tests, and finals.. matt, we made it." layla spoke. she and matt couldn't wait till graduation. they had been together all of april and most of may, as it was nearing the end of may; which graduation would be on the fourth of june at noon to three o'clock. not to mention the nervous that would kick in the day before and the night of, they couldn't wait.

they spent the whole day looking for matt's suit - which he found; it was a nice jet-black suit, as if he were james bond himself. however, they did go onto the field that they first met on and had a picnic; like they did in the beginning. matt laid down on the fifty yard line and somehow, some way, he felt safe - like he was home. he smiled to himself as the memory of layla and him here popped into his mind; layla wearing a floral dress with white flats. matt was wearing his football jersey with, obviously, khaki pants and some vans.

"remember when we met here? you said that there might have been bagels falling from the sky," matt smirked; he's surprising layla; instead of bagels falling from the sky and them listening to books, he was going to have one of layla's favorite authors read it to them.

"yeah, why?"

"hello! you must be matthew espinosa and layla richards! i'm john green, but you probably already knew that. i've been asked to read looking for alaska, my first book to you guys, so yeah..." he went on reading the book as layla began to tear up. she looked at matt -- who was smiling with great pride -- teary eyed as she hugged him.

"thank you so much, matthew! this means the world to me," she closed her eyes as her and matthew began to make-out to the famous words of john green.


so, as of right now -- 9:45 pm on January 14, 2015 -- i have 3.95K reads... holy shit you guys.

you guys are so amazing and i'm so happy you like the book! i myself have read the book on my personal account to make sure there isn't any errors or confusing things in the story. obviously, as the author, it's kind of hard to grade your own work because you believe it's perfect all on it's own.

but thank you guys soooo much! you mean the world to me - to us!

thank you very much for making a writing experience great..

love always,


p.s; this isn't the end of the book - i promised you until chapter 35 that'd be the last one with the exception of an epilouge.

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