Chapter Six

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As he fell to the side of the bed, she let out a heavy sigh, " My god Can, where did that come from." She asked barely able to breath. She felt weak and she still trembled, as she brushed her hair back from her face. She smiled, " I'll take that every time, do you think you can deliver." She asked, reaching over to touch his chest. His breathing was heavy and quick, " If that's what you want, I'll die trying." He said, turning to look at her, with that smug smile. He rolled over to her, his body pressed against hers, he slide his hands down her chest and stomach, it was coated with a thin layer of sweat. He continued, moving his hand between her legs, she turned towards him running her fingers through his hair. The heat from her warmed his hand, as he rubbed that spot that drove her crazy. He laid his head on her chest, feeling her breathing get harder and harder as her body moved in sync to him. She tilted her head back and arched her back, she knew what was coming next, and how good it was going to feel. He loved to watch her body accept him, and welcome the feelings of his touch. She was close, he knew, but so was he, so he quickly rolled on top and let them join together for that final eruption of love. That did it, he was done, as they clung to each other. They were barely coherent, when they heard the first whimper from one baby. They both smiled, then a second one joined in as they both rolled out of the bed, Sanem grabbed her robe and Can put on his workout shorts. The look they shared couldn't have been any sweeter, just glad their children had waited until the coast was clear. 

Not realizing the time, it was time for all three to eat and be changed. Ates was the first one awake and ready to eat, " Four and an half hours, really Sanem are you sure it was that long." Can said, raising his eyebrows. " Yes, babe, it was. She's always on time to eat." I think that's a record for us too."  She said giving him a wink. He smiled, " That will give us something to work know, trying to break that record." All the babies ate quickly and they changed them and they were back in bed. The couple collapsed in the bed, not even thinking about that record. They needed to sleep now, before the next round of eating. Sanem's inner clock woke her up about 15 minutes before she heard the first sound from the nursery. She watched her husband sleep, " I should be up taking a shower," she thought, " Before they wake up and demand food from me." But just watching him sleep made her feel so calm and happy. She climbed out of bed, her body aching from the nights activities, she needed that shower badly. She hurried in the bathroom and jumped in the shower for a fast one. The water eased her sore muscles, it was amazing how out of shape one could get in a matter of months. But the lovemaking had turned out to be more than they either one expected, very exhilarating and long lasting, she thought, with a smile creeping across her face. 

As she turned off the water, she heard the sound of crying babies. Was Can still asleep, she wondered, quickly drying off and wrapping a towel around her head. She stepped out into the bedroom, Can was not in bed, then she heard him talking from the nursery, " Come on guys, let's not all freak out at once." Mommies taking a shower so it's just daddy for a minute." He was explaining to them, but without much success. Ates had set up quite a wail and was making Yildiz pretty agitated. Deniz was just pissed off altogether. As she walked into the nursery, she saw this huge beautiful man trying so hard to calm these three tiny humans, Yildiz on one arm, trying to hold a bottle for Ates with the other hand, and gently shaking the crib with his foot to try and soothe Deniz. It was the sexist thing she had ever seen. She rushed in to help, " Here babe, let me take this," she said, reaching for the bottle and Ates. " Oh, ok, they all started at once, I tried." He said, shaking his head. She blew him a kiss, saying, " You did great daddy, thank you." As long as Yildiz was in her daddy's arms, she was fine for a while, so he took Deniz in the other arm and gave him his bottle. Ates ate quickly and Sanem changed her and put her down, then took Yildiz from Can and gave her her breakfast. Her oldest daughter never closed her eyes as she ate, she studied her momma, and listened to her every word. Can loved to watch them, he knew that little girl was special, she would lead that pack of Divits, as they got older.

He motioned to Sanem that he was going for a shower and then make breakfast for the two of them, as she took the time with her babies. With them all fed and changed and once again down for sleep, she finished in the bathroom. She could hear Can in the kitchen, cooking and singing along with the radio. Her life was just as she dreamed it, years ago, what she had written about.....that love that made her soul calm and her insides tremble with excitement. She had it.....her fairytale life, after all these years and all the fears of losing him, she had it.  She dressed quickly, so she could help him with the breakfast, just a loose t-shirt and yoga pants, it was easier to be able to feed them this way, but she wished she could dress up for him, as she used to. But for now, this was what he got. As she walked in to the kitchen, he turned around, smiling and giving her that look of devouring, she could tell he didn't care what she wore, he just loved her....." It smells so good, what are you fixing." She asked, walking up into his big hug. " Your"....He said laughing.  She slapped him on the arm, " Ok, that's enough, really what is it?" She asked. " Omelettes with veggies and toast, it good for you and you are going to love it." He said, kissing her on the forehead. She shook her head in agreement, as she brewed their tea. He kept an eye on her, as she set the table, "What a sight," he thought, " She's flawless, so graceful in her movements. She could feel his looks, making her feel good, was she suppose to have these feeling right her in the middle of the morning, with their three babies sleeping in the next room. She blushed slightly, at the thoughts of the night before, but they really needed to be more careful, they hadn't used protection. That's all they needed was a surprise bundle of joy. He jarred her back from her daydream, as he sat her plate on the table, " Eat it all, please, then we might see about breaking that record." He whispered in her ear and nibbling on her earlobe.

She shuddered...." Can, we really won't have that  much time".....but every fiber of her being she screaming for it........" I have laundry and I need to pump".....he held his finger to her lips, " I'll help you." He said, in a low gravelly voice. " I'll help you with everything".".............

She closed her eyes, " How could she resist," This man that held her heart in the palm of his hand."........

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