Chapter One

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CAAAAANNNNNN!! Sanem yelled, as she tried to hold both Deniz and Ates, both wanting to eat. He dropped the spatula, quickly turned off the stove and ran down the hall. " Coming, my love, what's wrong." He yelled, as he heard the two babies crying. He sprinted into the nursery, and what a sight , the two had Sanem all but pinned in the chair, squirming and clawing to get to the food source. He smiled, her hair was falling down over her eyes, and the crying from Deniz and Ates had woke up Yildiz. Now they were all going, he quickly scooped up Deniz and satisfied him  with a bottle of breast milk they had as a backup, holding him and the bottle with one hand, he reached for Yildiz. But just his touched seemed to soothe her and she calmed down. Sanem took over Ates, putting her on the breast to feed. " Wow Can, I thought I was going to lose it for a minute," She replied, smoothing down her hair as her baby ate. Can laughed, " You did great, my love." All you have to do is call me and I'll be there," he said, giving her a wink. 

Yildiz was definitely a daddy's girl, she wanted him to be touching her whenever she was awake, and he was more than pleased to oblige her. Each one of them had their own little personality traits, Ates was more of a loner, except when it came to eating, she loved to eat. Deniz wanted his momma to give him all her attention, which consumed much of Sanem's time. Yildiz wasn't so demanding of her, but was quite aware when she wasn't there. The three Divits, such a combination of both their parents, how Can and  Sanem loved them and cherished each moment with them.

With this crisis handled, and Deniz feed and down for a morning nap, Sanem also put Ates down, but Yildiz was not so cooperative, still wanting only daddy. Can took her and went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast. He propped her up in her seat on the counter as he went about making the eggs. " Sanem, scrambled eggs, is that ok. You know you need the protein." He called to her making Yildiz jerk around in her seat at the sound of his voice. " Yes thats great, whatever you fix I'll eat, I'm starving." She answered back from the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, " Wow, I look pretty rough," she thought, as she ran a comb through her hair. A shower after breakfast would be great. 

Back in the kitchen, the baby Yildiz watched his every move, her eyes open wide. He knew she couldn't really see him, but she definitely knew who he was, so he talked to her repeatedly, explaining everything he was doing, and why. " Well young lady, your mommy needs all the food she can get right now, just to supply you three with all you need. So I'm glad to make this food for her." He stated, gently squeezing her nose with his fingers. She turned her head from side to side, as he pinched her cheeks. He laughed, " Just like your mother, she always loved for me do to that." He said. She kicked her legs as if she knew just what he said, and approved. 

Sanem make it to the kitchen, " Oh honey, this smells great, I just can't seem to get enough food." She said grabbing a bite of fruit from the bowl. " Did you make toast, or do you want me to." She asked wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. " I've got it baby, just have a seat." He said. Yildiz let out a cry, letting them know she was still there and wanted their attention. Sanem took her seat for the counter, " Well, my oldest daughter, how do you like spending time with daddy in the kitchen, is he teaching you well." She said winking at Can, as he watched her talk to their baby. Can handed Sanem a plate piled with eggs and vegetables, with toast on the side, " Eat every bite young lady, or you won't have enough food the babies," he ordered, leaning down and giving her a kiss, and then a second kiss, but that one lingering for a while. She felt so good to him, and her lips tasted like nothing he'd ever tasted before, sweet yet salty, with a touch of tartness. She was intoxicating, and it was even more so since she was a mother.

" Can, be careful, Yildiz is watching." She said, looking at her baby. Can laughed, " I'm quite sure she's not watching us, she's just seeing all the light." He said, backing away to fix his plate. Sanem dug in to the plate of eggs, " Sweetie this are delicious, how do you make eggs so special." She said rolling her eyes. She ate every bite and probably could have had more, but didn't want to seem like a pig. "Can, do you think I might get a shower quickly, I would really love it." She said, circling his neck with her arms and kissing his ear. In an instant his desire was fully engaged, and his heart was beating fast. It had been over a month since they had been intimate, and his sex drive was over the top. Can shook his head, " Sure go enjoy, I'll take care of this little girl." He said. Sanem hurried into the bathroom, knowing she probably didn't have a lot of time before the other two woke up. She would be happy with a quick shower and hair wash. 

She was letting the water run over her, it seemed all the muscles in her body was sore, with all the lifting and holding they each demanded. But how would she ever grow tired if it, they had been the greatest gift that she had ever received. Can and her three babies were what she lived  for, and the memories of this would be forever in her mind. Her notebook was her sounding board, she told it everything, revealed all her fears and joy onto those pages of her life. One day she would read them to her children and they would know how precious they were to her and Can.

Can took his baby and went to the nursery,  talking to her all the way, " Now listen, I want you to lay down here and go right to sleep, no crying or you'll wake  your brother and sister. Daddy is going to join mommy in the shower, no...don't look at me that way, she's going to love it." He said, patting her gently on the back. He laid her down in her favorite position and gave her a couple of pats on the back, in  seconds she closed her eyes and drifted off. " That's daddy's little girl," he whispered. " I knew you'd understand. 

He grabbed the baby monitor from the dresser and and snuck into the bathroom. He set the monitor on the counter and quickly undressed. Seeing her silhouette through the frosted glass had made his heart beat faster. Just like it was the first time he had seen her naked and wet, but in a way it was, the first time with her as a mommy and him as a daddy. He opened the shower door, she jerked around, " Can, what are you doing, what about the babies, are they asleep, their going to wake up." She was stammering, as he held his finger up to her lips, " Shhh, they are fine, Yildiz is looking after them for us," he joked, " No I have the monitor right here on the counter, we will hear them if they wake." He whispered, as he pushed her against the shower wall. Her breath caught, she had missed his touch, and that look of desire that filled her body with a warmth that was undescribable. 

His kiss was different, different than the kiss of earlier in the kitchen. It was a demanding kiss, a kiss of a raw passion and want, he ran his hands down her body. " Sanem, you make my heart beat so fast I think I might die, with just the sight of you." He growled in her ear. " I have missed you, my love, every inch of you, I want you so badly."  She smiled slightly, " Can, I too have missed you, but we probably need to hurry, before we get interrupted." She said, feeling his hard erection rub against her stomach. She answered his kisses with a demand of her own.

" What a way to start this day".....she thought, feeling her  body ignite into a fire that she hoped would never go out.

"She could truly get use to this".........

Welcome back readers, to the continuing story of the memories of Can and Sanem and their love. After the birth of their triplets, they have embarked on the journey of being parents. The road to this place in their lives was a rough one, but it seemed to make them even stronger and more in love. I would love to say their story will be a smooth one, but every family has those ups and downs along the way, this one is just a ripple in their sea of love.  But there's nothing that the love of Can and Sanem can't handle. Hope you enjoy.....

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