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"Blake...what are you...doing here?"

She was scared too. Was everyone here scared of me? Did I ever truly do something that wrong and intimidating to cause so much...fear?

"Well, mother. I needed to talk to you." I replied, I tried not to sound condescending but I couldn't help it. She couldn't keep running away from her past.

"Listen, Blake I'll call you later. I know you need to talk to your mother." Yasmine said, then she placed a somewhat unwanted kiss on my cheek.

After that, she asked Angel if she wanted to leave with her, and she didn't even hesitate to go.

"Yes." She whispered, then walked right past me without saying a word—or even looking at me.

I was tempted to grab her and talk some sense into her, but right now my mother had my full attention. Once we heard the door close, we just stared at each other. Her eyes were wide, and she grabbed her cellphone from her back pocket.

"Listen Blake. If you try anything I will call the police and your father."

I sighed. She really thought that low of me.

"Mom. I didn't come here to touch you, or to scare you—"

"So you came for Angel then?"

"I didn't even know she was staying here until last night. Trust me I would've came way sooner if I knew. I came here to talk to you, so we can work out some of our issues."

"Blake...I don't know if this is a good idea." She whispered then looked away from me.

"Please mom." I was begging her with my eyes.

Slowly, she nodded her head then gestured to the couch for us to sit. She stepped around the plate of food that was scattered on the stairs, then sat as far away from me as possible in a comfortable looking chair opposite of the couch. Once we were both sitting, I cleared my throat.

"Mom. There's a lot I want to say. But I wanted to start off by saying...I'm sorry."

She exhaled loudly, closing her eyes. Even those words affected her so deeply.

"I was so young. Truly I didn't know any better. I saw you and dads relationship...and I envied it. I thought, what you had with him, was what me and you should've had because I saw you as the most important person in my life."

I watched a tear slip from her closed eyes, and she quickly wiped it away. She remained silent as I continued.

"I thought dad was neglecting you and I just wanted to make you feel better. It was years later when I found out what I was doing was wrong, and there was a certain relationship a mother and son should have. I found out I had broken so many boundaries with you, and for that I'm sorry."

She was crying now, not trying to hide how my words were affecting her anymore. It made me feel bad, but I continued on—needing to get everything off my chest.

"I know things will never be the same, but I just couldn't continue on...without letting you know how I felt. I also apologize for everything you saw that happened to Angel. I'm not that guy anymore. I think therapy has been really helping me."

"And that's good..." she whispered. "Blakey, I never stopped loving you—or your father.

Now my eyes were starting to tear up.

"I just knew you weren't well and that you needed help, and once you got the help you needed I would come back to you. But I always watched you from a far, your dad almost made sure to keep me updated with every major event in your life, almost like I was right there with you. I just want you to know, sweetie, that I am so proud of you for getting better. I am proud you have taken the initiative to come and talk to me, and clear up some of our shared trauma."

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