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She wasn't talking to me, that much was obvious. She was sitting next to me smelling irresistible and looking gorgeous. Her hair was braided back, which meant I had a good look at her neck. I loved her neck so much, it was slender and smooth and just downright beautiful. If only she knew what I'd give to just be able to bury my face there, and please her.

Her body looked good too, even though she was wearing jeans and a button down long sleeved tee, I could see her curves underneath. It reminded me of the time in the pool; and when I got a perfect view of those beautiful titties and luscious thighs. It's like, she didn't realize how attractive she was, or her effect on people. She didn't realize or understand what she does to me.

She drives me absolutely crazy. Sure she was supposed to be my step sister, and we were supposed to get along like good siblings...but...—I glanced at her—I didn't want to be her sibling.

Even still, she wasn't allowing us to be much of anything right now. Ever since yesterday, she had been ignoring me. She ran away from me completely once we got home, and didn't say a word to me this morning. She was sitting, pressed against the car door and staring out the window. Her body was so rigid and stiff. I wished I could rub her shoulders. I wished I could just bathe her and rub away any pain that I caused.

The more time that passed, the more awful I felt. Right when we had begun bonding, I just had to screw it up by loosing my temper. Would she leave me like mom did because I couldn't control it? That thought haunted me last night while I was cutting into my flesh again. I wanted to punish myself, I deserved it for what I did to her.

My grip tightened on the steering wheel, and my eyes grew watery. How could I kick her, then leave her abandoned in the hallway? I glanced at her again, and she was still staring out the window. She was tapping her fingers against her thighs, seemingly unaware of my gazes.

She had to forgive me right? She knew about my anger issues so maybe she wouldn't hold it against me. Maybe if I just showed her my new cuts from last night, she'd forgive me again. I opened my mouth to speak, and apologize, but I was too much of a pussy to say anything like that.

"You need me to show you around again today?" I asked, hopeful she'd say yes.

She didn't even look at me, just shook her head no. My heart dropped and I instantly found it hard to breathe. A few tears managed to escape, and finally all the guilt I should've felt yesterday started rushing in. I was such a shitty person! I barely deserved to live, and I knew that now! How could I do something like that to someone as tiny and as innocent as Angel?! Angel...my angel, my kitten, my everything. She came into my life when I was in my darkest place, and the night I saw her I just knew she was meant to be mine. She was created for me...but I'd never have her if I kept screwing it up like this.

Immediately, I jerked into the left lane. I knew exactly where we had to go, and what I had to say to make her forgive me. She jumped up, no longer wanting to rest against the car door.

"Blake...what are you doing...where are you taking us?!" She asked. She tried to keep her voice calm and collected but I could tell she was scared shitless.

The fact that she didn't trust me, and probably thought I was taking her somewhere to kill her was the exact problem. Little did she know, I didn't want to do anything like that; I just wanted some alone time with her. Not with her mom eyeing us, or the teachers and students constantly being around us. Just me and her.

I didn't answer her, but soon she got her answer when she saw where we arrived. We were at an abandoned park that I found out about a few years ago. I liked coming here to clear my mind, and never once wanted anyone else here other than me. For some reason though, she made me want to bring her here.

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