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"Come on man, l'm throwing a super hot party tonight." Bryson, a friend I used to know from one summer at camp, said.

"Bryson, I told you I'm here to see my mother."

"Yeah, but your mother is right down the street. You don't have to stay long, and if you feel like leaving to go see her, after that you can just...come back to my place. I'm sure the party will be over by then."

I rolled my eyes. I knew I should've gotten my car fixed last week so I wouldn't have to rely on the one friend I had with a car. When would Zach and Ashton get a car so I could get infinite rides with them?

"I guess I have no choice."

"Nope." He replied, pulling onto the curb of the street. There was tons of cars lining the particularly skinny area so I knew that this party couldn't last long, the neighbors would surely call the police since they couldn't exactly...get out of their driveways. Not to mention the houses were very close together.

"Alright bro, remember I need you to be my wingman. You see a cute girl—send her to me."

I unbuckled my seat belt then rolled my eyes. "Fine."

Once we walked in, the familiar putrid smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies filled my nose. The lights were dim, and tons of people were just dancing and having fun. I wished that I could be comfortable in a space like this...but I never could. I've never been able to enjoy myself in large groups of people, and I've just chalked it up to the fact that I only like being in small intimate spaces with people I know.

Regardless, I walked in and closed the door behind me—enclosing me into this party scene for at least the next hour. I scanned the large room looking for any place that wasn't as crowded.

Then I spotted a particularly shady spot in the corner—which seemed to be the perfect spot for me.

I was standing there for about twenty minutes. About three girls approached me, all drunk out of their minds, and flirting shamelessly. If only they knew, I'd never be interested in women like...them. There's only one person I've ever loved truly—and she didn't look or act like them. She held herself up to a certain standard, and quality that most girls her age lacked. She was mature and poised, and overall perfect for me.

But...since I lost her I didn't want anyone else. So because I wasn't particularly interested in any of the young ladies I sent them Brysons way.

I was really close to leaving my shady corner when I saw two girls walk into the house. One of them had curly black hair, olive toned skin and big brown eyes. She had on a green long sleeved crop top with a black mini skirt and knee high boots which seemed to elevate her already somewhat tall hight. She was pretty in a way—

I wouldn't mind smashing her.

The girl next to her had on a nice red dress that hugged her succulent curves, it seemed to be fitted perfectly to her body. I could see every crease and crevice and it was...captivating. She had long shiny brown hair and golden highlights that complimented her rosy skin. After I got done observing her body, I move onto her face—then my heart stopped completely.

Those familiar golden eyes struck a nerve deep inside of me. Those beautifully plump pink lips that were painted a deep red to match her dress, instantly made me remember all those times my lips touched hers. Her cheekbones looked higher, almost as if she was aging backwards—which didn't seem possible, but she pulled it off. She wore long false lashes that really did something to bring out the gold in her eyes.

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