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The next day came suddenly, birds were chirping loudly and sunlight was beaming into the room I had chosen. I didn't mind though, because the room had such a beautiful view of the mountains and the trees; it felt like I was on a whole different planet.

I stalked to the bathroom and hurriedly brushed my teeth, washed my face, then threw my sandy brown hair up into a ponytail to keep any unruly strands from falling into my face. Once I decided I looked decent enough, I threw on a pair of jeans and a white tank top; discarding the fluffy pink and purple pajama set I was wearing.

I never tried to put much effort into whatever I was wearing, I never tried to wear makeup or even look remotely pretty like my mother. I just couldn't bring myself to care, and I still couldn't realize the point for something as trivial as that.

Even still, I tugged on a pair of white flip flops, not caring if my rugged toe nails were on display. I glanced into the full length mirror that was situated in the corner of the room, and gave myself a once over.

I looked...presentable, which is all my mother ever asked me to look.

I trudged down the stairs, eager to find something to eat. All I had yesterday was a measly peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and now I could feel my stomach growling. When I got downstairs, Blake was already there, stuffing his face with sandwich cookies.

"Oh hi." I said.

He looked a little embarrassed at first, then shook his head; apparently trying to get something out of his mind. "Hey." He replied simply.

After searching around the empty cabinets, and checking the also empty refrigerator, I sighed.

I sat down next to Blake, pleading with my eyes to have a cookie as well. He nudged them to me, silently giving me permission that we could share. I smiled at him and took one, grateful that perhaps these cookies would make the rumbling in my belly dissipate.

"Do you like your room?" I asked, after a few uncomfortable moments of silence.

"Uh..." He chewed his cookie, slowly and carefully, like he was in deep thought. "Yeah I do." He finally replied.

"I like mines too. I can see the forest and the mountains from my window. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"It's probably not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He replied snorting.

"What's more beautiful?"

He looked at me again with those intense eyes. "That's my business." He snapped.

"Oh." I stood, not wanting to deal with his weird and temperamental mood swings. "Okay, I'll be out by the pool."

Before I could walk away, he stood then grabbed my arms—it hurt too. His fingers were wrapped so tightly around my skinny wrists, I just knew it would probably leave a bruise. I didn't care though, I figured he probably didn't mean to grab me so harshly.

"Why do you always do that...huh? I can't say one right thing around you?! Why do you always try to walk away from me like I've hurt your feelings or something." He glared at me, while I was sure my face looked like something akin to a scared rabbit. "You need to grow some thick skin, and stop being so fragile all the time. Don't fucking...walk...away from me anymore."

"Ouch!" I cried. "What's the matter with you Blake?"

Something in his eyes snapped, and the cruel angry look that was there before was suddenly replaced with a look of embarrassment, and remorse. He released the grip he had on my wrists, and I immediately began rubbing them, trying to relieve some of the pain.

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