10 | Last Dance

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She is beautiful. I never really get to see her like this,sleeping peacefully and for once not acting like she has to save the world. I wonder if she'd have always been like this if she never faced the tragedies regarding her family.Would she be a normal teenager full of life and a heart full of love whose only fear would have been failing an exam or getting rejected by her crush?

But here she is,fighting demons of history and also of her own.She told me that everyone was after her life when word got out of a miracle baby. Everyone tried to poison her mother to kill her.Were they crazy?Didn't they realize how precious she is?She really is a miracle because she's only one in seven billion.How could someone want to kill her?

I know she doesn't let people in easily because she believes that everyone she loves, leaves her or ends up getting tragic endings.But she deserves everything in this world.She deserves to travel the world,find a perfect guy to be the love of her life,have a successful career on her dream job,get married, have kids and live peacefully for an eternity.She deserves all of it.But she's too scared to grab her opportunity.I wouldn't blame her because when life just throws so much at you right after your birth,you don't get to experience life's real essence.I can relate to that out of all people.

She sleeps and I stare at her like an absolute creep.But I can't just not admire her features.Her eyes even when closed,I know what power they hold, it's like she can see right into my soul when she looks at me with those eyes.The way she likes to flaunt her wavy brown hair whenever she is boasting about something and then makes a completely sarcastic comment to make fun of me,I got used to it.And her lips,when her lips form into a smile like a child whenever I say something stupid,I can admire all of it now that she's quietly sleeping rather than being all I-carry-the-entire-world-on-my-shoulders Hope.

"Take a picture,will last longer." Oh shit.

Hope wakes up and catches me staring. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"This isn't Twilight,Clarke.Edward got away with watching Bella sleep,but in the real world, it's considered creepy."
There she goes with her sassy remarks.

"I was not staring,why will I?Do you know you snore when you sleep?" I make up a lie to change the topic.

"I don't.And you totally were staring,I don't blame you though,who can deny Hope's charm?" She flaunts her hair again and I start grinning like a fool at this.

"Earth to Clarke!Pun totally intended." I roll my eyes at this,she doesn't get to make fun of my earth-made form.

"Haha Hope,not funny.Anyways, you look like you were in a peaceful sleep."

"So you WERE staring.And I had a crazy dream."

"What was it?Tell me."

"I can't. It'll inflate your pride."

"Why?Oh wait,did you see ME in your dreams?Was I hotter there?Is that why?"

"Ugh no,I can't tell you."

"Please Hope!" I pout.

"Nope." She shakes her head.

"If you tell me,I'll sing you a song." She thinks for a while then groans in frustration.For some reason,she is obsessed with my singing so she can't deny this offer.

"Ugh okay,I saw that it was a winter dance-ish thing and you and I were dancing."

"You were dancing with me?"

She nods,"And my friends were there too,they remember me,Landon was there too.I was dancing with you and everyone was happy."

"Well,there must've been something wrong with your dream because if Landon's there,there's no way in hell you'll dance with me instead of him."

"Hey!Don't say that.I'll save the last dance for you,okay?" I grin widely again.

"Besides,remember how this is a dream?In reality, nobody remembers me,not Landon,not my friends, no one.Okay now I'm super sad,so sing me a song." She makes a sad puppy face and I laugh.My heart melts at how adorable she is.

"I had a dream about you last night
Your eyes were shining so bright
Those lips and that bittersweet smile
I need this forever
Beautiful dream, yeah, yeah
Don't know what it means, yeah, yeah
All I know is I don't know
But I need this forever."

She realizes immediately that I'm just teasing her about her dream through this song but doesn't complain.Little does she know,she is the living daydream who fits the description perfectly.

"You give me feelings that I can't explain to you
Girl, I was cold for a while, now I'm something new
Tell me what you want, anything at all, I got it though
Swear to God we unstoppable, yeah"

"Given the ancient man you claim to be,you've quite the knowledge on modern music.Didn't you say you had a motive and all and you couldn't allow Distractions?" She deepens her voice to imitate mine and that just makes it more adorable.I keep smiling like a fool until I realize what I am doing.Come on,give a snarky comment and stop acting like a lovesick puppy!

"How is listening to a few songs here and there a distraction?" She shrugs.Does she think I didn't eat,sleep,go out,do nothing so I can raise my big bad father?Come on,I'm not THAT good of a son.

"Okay I was staring when you were sleeping." Why would you admit that,Clarke?

Maybe because I didn't want Hope to think I lie to her or something?

"Uhuh?So you're admitting you're a creep?The Edward Cullen of my life?"

"No!No!I mean,no for the creep.But well,Edward Cullen did end up with Bella even after all the creepiness.So yes for that part." I say with a wink.

She shakes her head and tries to control herself from smiling,"You're crazy,Clarke.Just because I'm the only other human here doesn't mean you get to flirt with me."

"Oh come on!I know you love it." I give a mischievous smile and take a step towards her.

"Nope.No I don't."

"Are you sure,Hope?" I take another step closer,eyes trained on her the whole time.

She nods quickly.

I take a strand of her hair from in front of her face and tuck it behind her ear,"You...you have bewitching eyes,Hope Andrea Mikaelson." She looks down and I can see a smile creeping into her face.

I take a step back and say,"So..you were saying?Don't love it,huh?" She then realizes that I just proved her wrong and covers her mouth with her hands instantly.

She tries to hide her smile and turns around to leave.

But I can swear I saw that blush right on her cheeks.


An ADORABLE picture of our Clarke is given in the media <3

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Song:Dreams by Bazzi

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