5 | Star-Crossed

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"Wait,Hope!What did you mean by your words earlier?How is the song relatable to you?" I try to avoid his question as much as I can because once I'll start giving the answer,I won't be able to stop without giving away my entire family history and that makes me emotional 99.9% of the time and Clarke really doesn't need to see that.

"I thought we were partners!Partners are supposed to know everything about eachother!"

"You make it sound like we're LIFE partners,Clarke." I snort.

"Ugh,okay here's a deal.You give me the answer, I give you one information about the pit,okay?" He extends his hand and I raise my eyebrows.

"Come on,Hope!" I take his hand and shake it."Okay, Ryan Clarke."

"So...in case you didn't know,my father is Klaus Mikaelson."

"He's WHAT?Okay wait...how could I be so stupid?You're a Mikaelson,ofcourse! I should've connected the dots.So you mean THE Klaus Mikaleson?The original hybrid?The ruthless,merciless,most dangerous predator to ever exist Klaus?"
Then he seems to realize his words, "Oh... sorry,he's your father, afterall."

I laugh,"Yeah well,your definition IS correct,but for me,he's the most wonderful father.So,my dad lived a thousand years being heartless and creating chaos wherever he went,until...he got to know about me.My mom was Hayley Marshall,she was a crescent wolf.Oh and my grand mother Esther was the powerful witch of her time,she basically CREATED vampires.So when I got the genes of these three,I became the tribrid."

"Ooh quite the package,and I got WHAT from my father?LITERAL mud?" I chuckle and shake my head at this.

" You know how everyone thinks being a tribrid is the coolest thing ever?You don't realize what it truly is until you become one.Werewolves are known for their rage,I have that rage.Vampires have heightened emotions,I have some of that although I am not a vampire yet.And well,the firstborns of every generation of Mikaelsons are supposed to have uncontrollable rage and power that can burn down villages and forests.I am a firstborn of this generation.So combine all that and you get a catastrophe.You know,when I get too many emotions bottled up inside me and if I don't turn to unleash my rage into something,there can be a lot of collateral damage.So I have my own demons too,Clarke,tons and tons of demons.But again,I have no right to complain when my family gave up everything and my dad basically died to keep me alive."

"How's that?Aren't they original vampires?They can't die."

"Except when staked with a stake made from white oak tree.When my mother was pregnant with me,word got around and everybody started thinking that if a creature as powerful as me is born,it could be dangerous as no one would be able to beat me,they felt threatened.So my family knew that I wouldn't be safe as long as the enemies are there,so right after I was born,they sent me away with my aunt Rebekah so she could keep me away from this.I was named Hope because after centuries of everything my family did,all the crimes,everything,I came and gave them hope to be better."

"Wow...you know,that's...ugh I am NOT getting emotional." He blinks hard.

"Aww does supervillain Clarke have a heart?" He rolls his eyes at my comment.

"So when I was a kid,this powerful evil spirit of an ancient witch consumed me,it was called the Hollow.The Hollow was the most evil thing to exist EVER and it could control people,make them its followers and what else,then a witch friend of ours,Vincent came up with the solution that the promise my family had of ALWAYS and FOREVER had to come to an end because the Hollow can be divided into four parts and stored in four objects.So my dad,my uncle Elijah,my aunt Rebekah and my uncle Kol,each took a part in them.The deal was they have to stay at totally different corners of the world AND away from me because if even one of the parts came near me I could get consumed again and if any two parts came together,they could join again."

"Yikes,this is scary.Now a promise as strong as always and forever wasn't easy to break,was it?"

"No and well,my Uncle Elijah spent his entire life trying to make my father a better man,waiting for his redemption. So he knew his loyalty towards my father can never end and thus he made himself forget all memories of us.When he came back,he didn't know who we were,or that my mom was the love of his life.One thing lead to another and this woman kidnapped and attacked my mother, but my uncle didn't  blink twice. Then my mom sacrificed herself along with killing the enemy.My dad couldn't save her because Uncle Elijah had staked him." He looks at me wide eyed at this because this surely isn't what he was expecting.

"I'm so sorry,Hope."

"I met her once in the afterlife,I was dying,she sent me back,she told me to live my life to the fullest and have at least one epic love." I smile through tears

"She had found peace, just how she always wanted.I wish I somehow knew if Uncle Elijah and my dad found it too."

"So your mom..and your uncle were lovers?"

"Yep,the epic star-crossed kind of love.It's sad how they never got their happy ending,you know?Even though they did so many things for eachother.When his memories came back,we knew he'd never get over that kind of guilt.I didn't forgive him for the longest time but then eventually,I understood his situation.And besides,I was the reason this whole drama even started,I wanted my dad to come and see me,so I fake-kidnapped my mom and that's how that woman found her and took her away. So at the end of the day,this is all my fault."

"Don't put that big of a blame on yourself,Hope. Your family did this for you because they felt that you were worth it. So cherish that honor and let go of that burden of blaming yourself." I don't know what came over him that he said these things,he sounded like a completely different person, and something tells me this is who is is, deep down. 

"I hope I am not overstepping." I shake my head. Whenever I talk about them, although the end memories are traumatizing, it also reminds me of all the good time, a breath of fresh air.

"So after a time, the Hollow returned since the four parts were united after the Mikaelsons came together.But then my dad absorbed all of it to protect me."

"He absorbed the spirit of a powerful evil witch?"

"Yes, all by himself.Then he decided to kill himself so that the spirit dies with him too.But then my uncle Elijah absorbed some of that energy from my dad because he was in too much suffering. And then....they both gave up their lives,to protect me.The two all powerful original vampires died to protect me." I say and a tear rolls down my eyes and I quickly wipe it off.This is something I can never say without getting chills.

"I...I wasn't expecting this ending.But..just imagine how much your family loves you to be able to do this for you."

"I know right? They'd fight everything for me.So since then,my friends are my everything, Clarke.I lost my mom,my dad, my uncle in such a short span of time that I can't just be normal with it and be happy with the rest of the family.This school is the only thing that kept me sane.But now...now that's gone too from my life..."

"You know I thought you're just one of those lone wolves who just show an attitude because they're so powerful but I was so wrong about you Hope.You know,we both are all kinds of messed up but your friends still love you.I don't hate you,Hope,I'm just jealous of you."

"Well,you don't have to be,anymore.I don't have those friends anymore.It's history now."

"I'm so sorry,Hope.I promise to find a way out of this.I'll make it up to you."

Somewhere in his words, I found hope.And I plan on holding onto that.


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