x. ballad

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Mr. Schue wrote a word on the board. "Ballad. From Middle English, balade. Who knows what this word means?" Mr. Schue began Glee Club rehearsal with.

"It's a male duck."

Mr. Schue sends Brittany a strange look but ultimately ignores her. "Kurt." He calles on.

"A ballad is a love song." Kurt states.

"Sometimes, but they don't always express love." Mr. Schue says. "Ballads are stories set to music, which is why they're the perfect storm of self-expression. Stories and music are the way we express feelings that we can't get out any other way." He tells them. "Okay, now, Sectionals are in a few weeks and there's a new rule this year, we have to perform... a ballad." He informs them and points at the board.

"Looks like my weekly letter to the Ohio Show Choir Committee finally paid off!" Rachel says happily.

"Okay." Mr. Schue carries on. "So here's our assignment for the week, I'm going to pair you off, and I want you to pick a ballad to sing to your partner. Look them right in the eye, find the emotion you want to express, and make them feel it." He tells them.

"I pick Quinn." Finn says.

"No, no, no." Mr. Schue stops him. "Too easy. Your partners will be chosen by fate."

They all ooo as Mr. Schue shows them the hat that's on the piano. "Ooh, yeah. I put all your names in this hat. Whoever you choose is your partner." He holds it for them to see and sets it back down.

"But Matt's out sick today. He had to go to the hospital, 'cause they found a spider in his ear." Santana informs Mr. Schue.

They all make a grossed out face. "Oh, and Heather has some family issues so she took today off." Magnolia tells him.

"Um... I guess I'll just have to put my name in the hat for now." He writes his name on a paper and puts it in the hat. "Who's up first?"

They all go one by one and pick out names. Magnolia was hoping to get Finn, she hated that she desperately wanted to sing a ballad with him. Sadly, her hopes were crushed when he got Kurt.

When it was her turn she turned to them and smiled. "Gavin." She tells them.

"Yes!" Gavin says out loud, earning a look from everyone. "What? I just love my best friend." He mutters.

Magnolia smiles at him and returns to her seat. Her eyes immensely goes to Finn, who currently was burning a hole into Gavin's face. If looks could kill, Finn would be in prison for the murder of Gavin Popple.

"Looks like I get you, Mr. Schue." Rachel says as she stands up and walks over to him.

Mr. Schue stares at her, he clearly doesn't look comfortable. "Uh... you know what? Maybe we should just wait until Matt gets back." He tries to get himself out of this.

"The fates talked, Mr. Schue." Finn jokes, earning laughs.

"Would you mind clarifying what kinds of songs you want us to sing?" Artie asked

"Why don't you let Mr. Schuester and I demonstrate. Brad, 'Endless Love' in B-flat, please. It's my favorite duet." Rachel says as she walks to the other side of the piano.

Mr. Schue still doesn't look comfortable. "I really don't think that's an appropriate song, Rachel." He tells her. Of course it wasn't. A teacher and student singing a love song would never be appropriate.

"Why? It's a great song, and it's a perfect ballad." Rachel clearly doesn't see how uncomfortable he is.

"Yeah. I really like that song, Mr. Schue." Finn smiles smugly at him. They all laugh and Brad begins playing the song.

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