xvii. bad reputation

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In the choir room, Magnolia, Artie, Kurt, Mercedes, and Tina were all laughing at a video of Sue Sylvester dancing to Physical. It was the funniest thing any of them had ever seen.

"What's so funny?" Finn asked as he walked into the choir room.

Not far behind was Rachel who was dragging Jesse along. "You guys aren't watching the video of me falling off stage at my first TinyTots beauty pageant, are you?" Rachel questioned them.

Magnolia looked up at her friend. "I didn't get to see that!" She whined.

"That was Carrot Top funny compared to this comedic tour de force." Kurt denied, not even looking at Rachel.

"That's Olivia Newton-John's Physical." Jesse observed. "It was pretty groundbreaking subject matter at the time, considering it's depiction of fluid sexuality." He stated.

None of them seemed to really cared and continued laughing. "Wait, wait. That's not Olivia Newton-John. That, that's Sue Sylvester." Finn pointed out. "Where did you get this?" He asked.

"I can tell you that I certainly did not steal it from her locked file cabinet yesterday when she sent me back to her office to her hormone replacement injection during Cheerios practice." Kurt explained.

"Wait, did she just do the Cabbage Patch?" Artie judged, earning more snorts and laughter.

"I'm posting this on Youtube." Finn said, leaning forward to the computer.

There were shouts of protest at the idea. "Do you think that's a good idea?" Rachel asked. "She might kill us." She added.

"Oh, let her get a taste of some of the humiliation she put us through." Mercedes argued.

"I'm with Finn." Jesse agreed. "You guys need to stop being such asses and start being bad-asses." He encouraged them.

Finn smiled and picked up the computer. "Ten bucks it goes viral by lunch." Everyone was still laughing as Finn posted the video.

• • •

Mr. Schue held up the "Glist" which was a list of the hottest people in the glee club. Gavin was just above Finn and Magnolia was right below Brittany on it. "Who did it?" Mr. Schue questioned them. None of them said anything. "This is serious. Principal Figgins is threatening to disband the club." He explained to them.

"Why are we playing this game? We all know it was Puck." Santana spoke up.

"Back off. I didn't do squat." Puck defended himself.

Nobody seemed to believe him, and they had every reason not to. "Then why is your girlfriend first on the Glist?" Tina questioned him.

"And why am I last? Aside from the fact that I refused to put out for you." Rachel reminded him.

"Ok, enough!" Mr. Schue shouted before it could get any further. "No one is accusing anyone of anything." He stated, before turning to Puck. "Puck, seriously, did you do it?" He asked him.

"I said no." He argued. "I'm a delinquent, sure. I like setting stuff on fire and beating up people I don't know. I own that. But I'm not a liar." Puck explained.

"All right, here's the important point." Mr. Schue sighed. "Between this and posting Coach Sylvester's personal video on YouTube, you guys are getting a pretty bad reputation." He stated.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Artie inquired. "Maybe if we seem more dangerous, people would stop flushing my glasses down the toilet." He said.

Mr. Schue sighed as he passed out sheet music. "Look, things are hard right now. I get it. You're under a lot of pressure with regionals coming up. And I know that winning sectionals hasn't had the positive effect on your popularity that a lot of you thought it would." He told them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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