ii. showmance

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Gavin grabbed Magnolia's shoulders. This week it was just the two of them since Heather had gone to see her dad in California for a while. "Hey there, Maggie." He chirped.

Magnolia laughed at him. "Gavin. What's up?"

Gavin shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "Do you think I could join the Glee Club? I mean if Finn's in it then maybe Quinn will think I'm cool like him."

Magnolia started laughing. "Yeah, sure. Join Glee Club and be a home wrecker while being not cool as well."

Gavin rolled his eyes. "Hey! I'm not a home wrecker. I just want Quinn to dump Finn and get with me." He defended.

Magnolia patted his back. "I'll see you later buddy."

• • •

During the terrible performance of Le Freak, Rachel's almost kicks Mercedes in the face. "Whoa, whoa! Hell to the nah! First of all, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you!" She threatens Rachel, then turns to Mr. Schue. "And, also, this song is terrible."

Mr. Schue wasn't having it. "No, no, no. It's not the song. You guys just need to get into it."

Kurt was annoyed. "No, it's the song. It's really gay."

"We need modern music, Mr. Schue." Artie told him.

Mr. Schue wasn't giving in. "I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly."

Those very words seemed to frighten everyone. "In front of the whole school?" Tina asks.

Mr. Schue took her fear as excitement. "Exactly."

Magnolia gasped. "They're gonna throw food at us. And I just had a facial." Kurt said.

"I'll press charges if that happens." Rachel states.

Mr. Schue looked a bit disappointed in his students. "Guys. I can't express to you how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There are six of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice or the club is over. I know you guys don't like this song, but we took nationals back in '93 with 'Freak Out.' It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. From the top."

Finn looked more terrified than anyone. "I'm dead." He whispers.

• • •

Magnolia skipped up to Finn, a grin on her face as always. "So, I heard you had something for me. Since Gavin is sort of an eavesdropper, I know a lot."

Finn nodded and started digging in his locker. "Yeah, since you gave up your graham crackers for the team. I brought you some." He handed her a ziplock bag full of graham crackers.

Magnolia smiled brightly at him. "Well, thank you Finn. I'll see you in Glee." She started to eat her graham crackers and walked away to find Gavin. Finn yet again watched as she walked away, he smiled to himself and then left to find his girlfriend.

• • •

Mr. Schue walks into the choir room. "All right, guys. How about a little Kanye?"

He starts handing out sheet music and most of them are excited. "For the assembly?" Mercedes asks in hope.

Mr. Schue crushes that hope. "No. We won't be ready in time. We're still doing disco. But we can fold this into our repertoire and it'll be awesome at regionals. Communication is the foundation of any successful music group. If we're gonna succeed, we need to communicate. You guys said you wanted modern music, I listened."

THESE DAYS, finn hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now