(2) First Day at 'Work'

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First Day at 'Work'

Here I was, standing right in front a building they called a hotline centre. To me, it looked like a building ready to fall apart any moment. It was built of red, crummy bricks and it was three stories high with a lot of huge windows. I really hoped the building wouldn't decide to collapse just when I was in it.

Maybe it would collapse right now. I decided to stay out a minute more and watch it intently, if it looked like it was going to stay, then I'm going in. I hugged myself as a strong gust of wind blew making my hair messy again. I ran my fingers through it in an attempt to fix it, I really needed to start tying my hair up.

The weekend flew by and before I knew it, it was Monday morning. After my non-eventful day at school, I had to wait in the library till the boys were gone then headed to the hot-line centre.

A minute had passed and the building was exactly as it was before. I decided to just go in and if the building did collapse, it would be entirely Mr. Henowitz's fault.

As soon as I entered, the first thought that came to my mind was 'not bad!' The floor was tiled entirely plain black, the walls were painted bright colors and the furnitures looked in shape. I went up to the reception and told the lady there my name, asking where I was supposed to sit. She smiled at me and said, "Ah, the trouble-maker is here." I just gave a small smile and waited for her to carry on, but instead she asked me another question, and I really wish she hadn't.

"Do you know my son, Thomas? He goes to the same school as you," I gulped. Oh my God, I really hoped she wasn't talking about the Thomas I knew. The one I'd just ran away from today.

"Thomas Wilson?" I asked for confirmation and she nodded, smiling. "Yeah I do. We're um.. Acquaintances." There was no ways in hell I could tell Thomas's mother that her son hated me more than anything else in the world.

"Ahh I see. Well dear, head up to the second floor and talk to Mr. James. He'll guide you from there." She told me with a kind smile. Damn, was I grateful she didn't know the exact reason I was here!

I thanked her than took the lift to the second floor, yeah I was too lazy to use the stairs. Once I was up, I took a look around and grimaced. The place was filled with oldies. I mean, couldn't there be a boy my age I could pass the time with? Flirting would actually be the correct word here. In books the girl always has a hot boy working in the same place and then they fall in love with each other and get married. I could tell this was not going to be the case, unless I suddenly get a thing for older men. Ew, never happening.

Suddenly I see a man, probably in his forties, approaching me. He was dressed in a black suit and his hair was styled backwards, looking sleek. Once he had reached me, he extended his hand towards me and said, "James Kelvin here, the CEO. You must be Sophie, right?" I shook his hand and nodded. He clapped his hands together, "Well then, let me show you to your cabin." Woah, I had my own cabin? Awesome!

I walked with him towards the end of the room, where I saw plenty of empty cabins ahead of me. On the way I heard bits and pieces of conversations that were taking place.

"...oh no, sweetheart, slitting your wrists is not an option!"

"My dear son, please, put the pills away! It's not your fault...."

"Honey, your mother wouldn't want you crying like this, would she?"

The strings at my heart pulled, was it this bad? Does it always come to suicidal? I was sure I was not going to be able to do this. I caught up with Mr. James, who was walking swiftly ahead. I called out to him.

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