(13) Beautiful

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There he was, smiling, talking and walking about like he owned the place. Tristan didn't even glance at my direction once; either he didn't feel my burning glare or he's plainly ignoring me. I have a feeling it's the latter though.

I've been sitting on a bench for the past ten minutes, waiting for my friends to show, and none of them had arrived yet. Which is why I was busing myself with radiating my hate to Tristan, sitting here and disdainfully watching his every move.

Right at this moment, I see another of Tristan's friend approach him and greet each other with their weird shoulder- bumping style. Then the friend looks startled when he sees Tristan's purple-ish bruise around his eye and excitedly asks him how he got it. Tristan scowls and mutters something incoherent, then changes the topic instantly. In the ten minutes that I've been watching him, this is the fourth time someone asks about his eye, and he visibly changes the topic after muttering a lie. I'm sure he was lying, there's no ways his ego would let him tell anyone that the bruise was because of me.

"Sophie, hey!" Brad sat beside me and snapped his fingers in-front of my face to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh hey."

"Why are you glaring so harshly at your tonight's date?" he asked confused.

"Because he's an asshole."

"I'm confused Sophie. 'Cause last time I saw, you were madly in love with him."

"I wasn't in love with him, don't be silly. Well I never got the chance to tell you what happened soo..." and then I proceeded to tell him what happened at the mall yesterday, from the part where I saw him bullying the kid to when he said 'I wasn't even that pretty anyways.'

If I was mad yesterday, Brad's madder now, because he hardly ever swears. "How dare he say that to you, that son of a-"  he's already standing up, most likely to go to Tristan.

"Hey relax. I didn't feel bad at all and I handled it well. Can't you see his eye make-up?" I joked with him and that's when he actually bothered to look at him and he snickered when he saw the bruise on his eye.

"Yeah of course you dealt with him properly. You know, he's missing out on a lot. You're beautiful Sophie, he doesn't deserve you." he says gently looking into my eyes. There they are again, stupid butterflies fluttering around like crazy in my stomach. Go away, shoo.

I contain the blush threatening to rise up and instead wink saying, "I know."

He lets out a laugh then stands up and outstretches his hand to me. "Come on, class starts in two minutes." I look around and notice there's hardly anyone here, most of them are probably inside the class already.

I take his hand and he pulls me up and I stretch my body as I had been sitting for long. We head to our classes and minutes after the teacher has started teaching, Rick rushes in without knocking and breathlessly greets the teacher and roughly apologizes for being late.

Even after he's settled in his seat he's still panting.

"Stop panting so much, it's giving off a wrong meaning." I tell him and he laughs. Just in case you didn't know, Rick and I are the biggest perverts in our group. Okay well not literally perverts because they're disgusting at times, but we find being dirty minded fun. Because the universal rule is: everything is much funnier when you're dirty- minded, and really, it is.

"You have no idea what I've been up to." he says winking.

"Um, I don't think I want to know." I reply fake shuddering.

He laughs again and the teacher shoots us warning looks. That immediately shuts us up. I turn back to paying attention at the front but it's not long when I zone out again. Time flies and I'm already at the cafeteria having my lunch with the others, repeating yesterday's incident as neither Sam or Rick knew about it.

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