Chapter XXI

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I keep my promises.



I had been ignored by my father for a long time, had been a host for Kronos in the Titan war and participated in Chaos army, but nothing could have prepared me for this. All of the things I've previously done were tough, I'll admit it, but watching my friends get hurt or almost die on the field was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

I knew I had two choices when Ayme gave me het sword. Go with it, or against it.
Had I known what Percy had in mind, I would have never taken the blade in the first place. And when he asked me to cut his wings, I had to choose again. I didn't know what the outcomes were, but I had trusted him by doing the right thing.

I regretted it the moment I had brought Annabeth to the medical bay. Thanks to Apollo the poison was extracted from her blood before it could do amour permanent damage. However she hadn't woken up yet, and Ayme had stayed by her side since I brought her in. As soon as Apollo had assured us Annabeth was going to be okay, I left the infirmary, trying to get an overview of the situation.

What I saw, really surprised me. Almost three quarters off the enemy's army were gone, and the remaining monsters were quickly killed. However, when I started scanning the battlefield, I couldn't find him anywhere. Anxiety started to take over, and I started running across the battlefield. Zoe had spread her wings and was flying high up in the air, trying to get a glimpse of him.
‘Luke!’ she shouted suddenly, and she pointed at a spot I couldn’t see. Zoe flew down and landed and I ran to her immediately, finding her kneeling next to an unconscious boy. Zoe looked to me when I got to her.
'I don't know if he will make it,' she whispered.
I looked down on him, noticing the stumps on his back and the grey veins under his skin.
'We need to.. just..' I stammered. 'Get Apollo.'
Zoe nodded and took off. It took her four seconds to get flashed back with the God by her side. One look at his face told me the exact thing I didn't want to hear.
'I can't cure this,' Apollo spoke softly.
'Please,' Zoe whispered. 'You cured Annabeth too.'
Apollo shook his head. 'That were only a few drops. Percy has the whole amount of poison in his body.'
I gripped Apollo by his shirt. 'You will try it at least.'
The God got a look in his eyes which told me he would.
Apollo flashed Percy and himself out of the field, and Zoe and I ran back to the infirmary. When we got there, the curtains were closed, letting no one in.
Chiron came to us, the tears visible in his eyes.
'Apollo told me it would take at last three hours. I suggest you find something to keep yourselves busy with, and I'll call you in when I've gotten more news on his condition.'
I swallowed. I knew he was right, otherwise I would drown in guilt, but I didn't want to. I felt a pull on my arm as Zoe motioned for me to follow her.
'Come on,' she said, 'there's nothing else we can do right now.'
I nodded and followed her outside.


It had been a week, and still no word.

Six hours after the battle, Chiron had told us Apollo had been able to get the poison out of Percy's body, but that was as much as he could have done. Apollo feared there had been done too much damage to him, and he was certainly sure Percy would die in the next few days.
There was nothing we could say to him, nothing we could do. Percy had been in a coma since the moment we had found him, and there was no one who could get him out. There was always someone with him, watching him, looking for a sign, but it never happened.

Those who weren't with Percy were helping around the camp. After the battle, it became clear to Chaos what Percy had done, and he realized there was nog longer a Prince beyond the Stars. He had lost his real son first, and now his second by the status that was given to them. It didn’t take him long to vow he would never search for someone else again.
The campers who had fallen in battle were given a proper burial. We had to bury sixty-two campers. I doubt there have ever been so many shrouds burned in the history of camp Half Blood.
The entire camp had to be rebuild, due to the destruction the army of End had caused. We still weren't all well yet, but we were going to be. The campers who had been in the infirmary, a hundred-and-twelve in total, had gotten better and were walking around again.

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