Chapter V

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It was quite a good game, actually. Thanks to Nu's and Tau's powers, the campers kept going. Without the courage and faith, they probably would have given up just after the game started. To see all of those replicas, hovering in the air, was amazing. It made the Warriors look powerful. Guess that's the only word I can use to describe ourselves. But nevertheless, it was true. We were powerful. Phi and I sprinted off, not using our wings to make it easy for the campers. When we split up to look for the flag, we grinned at each other. It felt like old times.


Rho and I both went different ways, and it didn't take long for the first camper to notice me and attack. I took out Riptide, taking the camper down in two seconds, and headed on. I battled five more campers that what before I ran into an invisible wall. Or at least I thought it was a wall.

Because when I got up, I saw a girl sitting on the ground as well, a New York Yankees cap lying a few feet away. I bent down to pick up my sword, when I saw something glistering at my feet. I picked it up and took a closer look at it. With a shock I realized it was a necklace. A necklace with a silvergrey owl with seagreen eyes. I swallowed. This was the one I had wanted to give Annabeth for saying I loved her. To late I noticed the girl was up on her feet again with a dagger in her hand, aimed at my throat. I looked up, right into the darkgrey eyes of a really angry Annabeth.

'I give you two seconds to return my necklace, or I will kill you.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'You would really kill the Prince beyond the Stars for a necklace?'

Annabeth loosened her grip on the dagger, only to grab it twice as hard before digging it a little into my skin.

'I don't care who you are. I want it back. And if I can't kill you myself, I won't hesitate to call a favour from the Gods to do it for me.'

I didn't say anything, simply waited for her next move. I couldn't understand why she would want the necklace back so badly, if she had abandoned me all of those years ago. I could almost taste the bitter feelings of that moment again.

'Hand.. it.. over,' she said through gritted teeth.

I handed her the necklace in silence. Annabeth removed her dagger and put the necklace into the pocket of her jacket, knowing the clasp had broken through the fall.

'Why do you care so much about that little piece of jewellery?' I asked. I longed for an answer, because I would never have thought Annabeth would were the necklace. If I remembered correctly, I had dropped the necklace on the beach, and when I ran, the necklace was covered under a thick layer of white sand.

'It's none of your business,' Annabeth snapped at me. She walked away to pick up her Yankees cap, but walked back to me when she had received it.

'Are you really the Prince beyond the Stars?' Annabeth asked.

I shrugged. 'It's not something I'm really proud of,' I said.

'And yet you fight with a rather simple weapon,' she started. Annabeth glanced at my sword and her eyes widened. She staggered back, like someone had stabbed her and she had only just noticed.

'That sword, Anaklusmos..' Annabeth whispered.

At that moment, it felt like the world had stopped turning. I could hear a soft cheering in the distance, but it didn't matter. Because right there, I thought Annabeth had figured out who I was. And a little spark of hope which was still in my heart, stubborn enough to stay, whispered it was finally going to be okay. I could finally be together with Annabeth again, and we would save the world once again.

But that little piece of hope was crushed when Annabeth pressed her dagger at my throat again, this time even harder, and I felt a little bit of blood already running down. The world was turning again, maybe even faster than before.

'How did you get that sword?' She asked. I swallowed and turned a little to see the growing fire in her eyes. 'What did you do to him?' Annabeth practically screamed in my face.

'Did what to who?' A new voice boomed. I looked over Annabeths shoulder, to see all of the Olympian Gods standing there. No, that's not true. There was one missing, and I felt a pang of sadness. Zeus looked pretty angry at me, for he probably assumed there would be a reason for Annabeth holding a dagger at my throat.

'He has Percy's sword.' Annabeth said. Zeus' eyes narrowed and a master bolt appeared in his left hand. At the same moment someone else flashed in, and I was terrified by what I saw. It was that I recognized him, but otherwise it would've been hard to know who he was. Because right in front of me, Poseidon had appeared.


We were all cheering when I brought the flag of Camp Half-Blood over the border to our side and see it change to black and white. But our cheering quickly ended when felt the commotion a few hundred yards away. We looked at each other, to find Phi missing and immediately flew to where a crowd was already gathering. We landed, and what I saw, made my stomach turn.

Each of the Olympians was standing in half circle, with the campers all gathered behind them. I counted again, and found one missing. But it wasn't what was the worst. Annabeth was holding a dagger to Phi's throat, and I saw a little red line seeping downward. At the mentioning of Percy's name, another person flashed in. My mouth fell open, because the person was no one else then Poseidon.

'What have you done with my son?' he asked angrily.

This wasn't good.

'Will you cut it out already,' Phi said, looking mad. But he wasn't just mad. Because the look in his eyes told me he was angry, sad, hurt and terrified, all at the same time.

Oh, crap.

'Answer the question!' Annabeth screamed.

The green linings on Phi's feathers started to glow, and one of the feathers fell on the ground. I looked at the other warriors for only a second and we all came to the same conclusion.

'Everybody down!' Nu screamed. Luckily everyone obliged due to her power of Conviction, and Chi had created a shield over everyone, because the next second the forest we had been standing in were burnt to the ground. The trees still remaining were still on fire. Everybody got up, eyeing the know really dangerous boy standing there.

Phi looked perfectly fine.

'I will say this only once, so listen carefully. I didn't do anything to Percy Jackson. It was you that ruined everything about him. I crossed paths with him once. And let me tell you that it is exactly none of your business to know why I'm having his sword.' Phi eyed each of the campers and Gods. His gaze landed on me, and I flinched a little, because I knew what was coming. 'You know what my condition was to go here, Rho. Before I leave I need to talk to you for a moment, so I need you to come see me in the Chaos cabin, okay?'

I nodded. 'Sure.'

Phi spread his wings, and the moment he went up, the forest returned to its original state. The trees grew in a matter of seconds, and with the green leafs it looked like it had never happened in the first place. But it did happen, and we had all witnessed it.

I turned around to the other Warriors and blew out my breath.

'Oh crap, this is so not good,' I muttered.

Tau grabbed my arm. 'You have to convince him to stay, Luke,' she whispered.

I looked at her suspiciously, causing her to roll her eyes. She only used my real name when she believed it necessary.

'Power of Changing, remember,' she said.

I groaned.

'You'll see soon enough if it worked. See you,' I said, before flying off.

Prince beyond the Stars (Percy Jackson/Son of Chaos Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now